
Apr 08, 2006 16:26

Jack wanders into the bar with as close as he ever comes to a scowl on his face. His clothing is ripped, the top half of his kimono turned to ribbons. His hair is down and he appears beaten up, not to mention several long, nasty slices across his chest and back that are quite fresh. He hardly takes notice of his surroundings as he makes his way to ( Read more... )

samurai jack, shufti, raven (titans)

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azarathsraven April 8 2006, 20:51:00 UTC
Raven was on her way back to the bar to refill her tea mug (or just ask Bar for a pot, since this was her third trip) when she noticed Jack bandaging his wounds. She seemed to get the impression he was upset, the empathy of hers kicking in. Nothing too personal, just enough to impress upon her he was agitated.

Stopping with her empty mug she motioned to the bandages and spoke in a hoarse raspy voice. "If you need help with those I'm pretty good at bandaging wounds."

She gave the Samurai man a faint smile.


noble_samurai April 8 2006, 20:59:05 UTC
He glances up, his eyes dull and somewhat haunted for a moment before shaking himself from his thoughts and returning to the present. "Thank you, but unfortunately for me, I have had quite a bit of practice with this sort of thing." He gestures vaguely to the scars on his torso, then returns the smile, however weakly. It's the sort of thing that gets to him, and its perhaps the only reason he comes to Milliways. Kindness is not an emotion that many possess in the future.

There is a moment or two of silence as he returns to bandaging the gashes before he winces, his sore muscles crying out in protest. "On second thought, if you do not mind, I would like to take you up on that offer. It seems my body has had more than enough for today."


azarathsraven April 8 2006, 21:04:15 UTC
Raven nodded and set her cup down, picking up the bandages and began helping out where Jack needed it. "My friends and I have had to patch eachother up several times in the past, and sometimes by ourselves."

After a moment of working in silence she offered her name. "I'm Raven."


noble_samurai April 8 2006, 21:09:29 UTC
"My name is Jack. I am pleased to meet you, Raven. You and your friends, do you get into trouble often? Or is there a good reason that you sustain such injuries?"

He hates to think of others getting beat as as badly, or as often, as he does, though he knows that it probably happens to some people. And he knows there are some in much worse situations than his own, so he's careful to count his blessings.


azarathsraven April 8 2006, 21:14:15 UTC
"We- they are heroes." She spoke softly as she finished tying off a bandage. "They protect people from the bad guys that roam our- their city."

"I've got to ask what you've done to get these kinds of injuries?"


noble_samurai April 8 2006, 21:21:09 UTC
"I was trying to return home, but a demon, Aku, is determined to make sure I fail. He sent many of his drones after me, and though I defeated them and survived, the portal closed. I failed, again. But once I am done here, I will try to find another way home."

Story of his life...

"Why do you say they, Raven? Are you not a 'hero' as well? You said that you and your friends bandaged each other, you included, did you not?" Jack's always found the term 'hero' to be a bit loose, but he doesn't want to offend her by denying that her friends may indeed be true heroes. They certainly sound like well-meaning people, if they protect their home from danger.


azarathsraven April 8 2006, 21:30:29 UTC
Demons. Woo boy. She cleared her throat and made no mention of her own heritage. "Why does he keep you from going home?"

"I'm not a hero anymore. I was ah... killed and ended up here." She shrugged a bit and shifted nervously. "I guess I wasn't a very good hero if I died, huh?"


noble_samurai April 8 2006, 21:38:39 UTC
Jack's met all types in his travels, from robots to mutants to gods. But only one demon. A very bad demon. Its hard to say how he'd react to her little secret. "If I can return home, I can save my world from him. He flung me into the future, and by then his grip on the entire world was impossible to break. But, if I can return home, return to when he was just beginning to sink his vile claws into the earth, then perhaps I can stop him." As he speaks, he begins to tie his hair up again, not wanting it in his way.

He gives her quite the odd look, blinking in surprise at her little remark. "You...you are dead?"

Nobody explained to Jack that dead people end up in Milliways. Surprise!


azarathsraven April 9 2006, 02:29:24 UTC
Raven nodded a bit. "Yes sir, I died and somehow ended up here. Not sure why, but I'm wondering if maybe someone has bigger plans for me."

Or so she hoped. But then again, this place was a far sight better than ending up in hell.

"Does...does that bother you?"


noble_samurai April 9 2006, 02:41:15 UTC
Jack is silent for a long time. Does it bother him? He's not sure. There is certainly something odd and unexpected about learning that she is dead, but still at Milliways, seemingly alive. In the end, however...

"No, Raven, I do not believe it does. I have met many people in my travels, and I know that what a person is matters not compared to who a person is. And from what I can tell, you are not the sort of person that I would be bothered by."


azarathsraven April 9 2006, 02:43:10 UTC
Raven smiled a little, relieved. She was a little worried about how people mighrt react to the fact she no longer had a pulse. Or...something to that effect.

"I'm glad to hear that. So you travel? Where do you travel to?" She was curious about this man, curious and intrigued by how polite and calm he seemed.


noble_samurai April 9 2006, 02:48:16 UTC
"I travel from place to place. It's hard to explain, really, without talking about why I travel. I only go where my quest takes me. Sometimes I come and go from several towns without ever paying attention to their names. Often, I can't even pronounce them."

For Jack, talking about his travels is an entirely new experience. He virtually never speaks to people in the future, especially not about his quest, unless he is simply asking for information. It feels good, knowing somebody is actually interested in what it is he does.


azarathsraven April 9 2006, 02:56:33 UTC
"I know how to portal from place to place and I've visited a few places myself that I never knew the names of." She was fascinated that someone else was able to do some of the things she could. "Quests? You mean you have to do something in that world before you can leave?"


noble_samurai April 9 2006, 03:01:53 UTC
"Something like that. But I believe you may have misunderstood me. I am not from the time I currently reside in. I lived far in the past. When a vile demon by the name of Aku came to take over my home, I fought him with this sword, for it was forged by three mighty gods, and only it could destroy him. But before I could strike him down with one last blow, he ripped open a portal in time and flung me into the future, where his evil was great. Now I seek to return to the past, and undo the evil that is Aku. That is my quest. That is why I travel. To find some portal, some means to return to the past. To return home."


azarathsraven April 9 2006, 04:18:37 UTC
((Forgive me for posting so slowly.))

She listened with keen interest to his story and she nodded as she listened. "You just want to go home, he denies you that. I'm sorry to hear that, if I knew of where you lived and what time I'd be willing to help, but unfortunately I don't..."


noble_samurai April 9 2006, 04:27:10 UTC
"Nor do I, at least, not according to any maps or timelines I have seen. It seems what my people thought the world was, and where we stood in it, was not the way things are seen now. So my only choice, as far as I can tell, lies in the portals and magical artifacts in the world I travel now."

He falls silent for a bit, drinking his tea and collecting his thoughts. After a little while, he speaks. "How did you die, Raven? If I may ask, of course. I can understand if this is something you would prefer to keep private. Ones death could understandably be a difficult subject..."

[ooc: No problem. Just post when you can, I've got a few hours still before I'm out for the night.]


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