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Apr 05, 2006 22:04

The door to Milliways opened and in stumbled a man, looking down at his gut intently where his hands were pressed tightly, fingers laced with blood and goo. “It’s about damn time. You know I been sittin in that lobby for almost an hour? Listen doc, I’ve got a story that your likely not gonna believe so I’m gonna save it til after you…fix…me…” Sheriff Bill Pardy trailed off as he finally looked up and surveyed his surroundings.

He’d been expecting to walk into the emergency room of County General, instead he was in the middle of a bar surrounded by strangers and probably bleeding to death. Looking around and then back towards the door which had closed behind him he staggered back into a chair. “Well hell.”

khemrys, ash williams, bill pardy, john preston

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