(no subject)

Mar 18, 2006 20:31

"...And at least she's back now."

"Because of Rachel and Tessa. We still do not know where those two had her. She could be conditioned! Brain-conditioned!"

"Shelley, I think you may have lost a little perspective, they are just young ladies, it can't be-

Tim Jones takes a look around at his surroundings just as Shelley Winters, wandering in from behind him, squeaks in vague delight.

" - Oh, the End of the World. Just exactly what we did not need. Shelley, we're leaving, come on..."

He breaks off grumpily as the redhead drags him to a chair.

[OOC: They say everyone must rpsterbate once. I have seven characters active (one not played, and not entered, so forget that.) Here I will thread all of them in one thread, just to see what happens. Um. If anyone really wants to tag? Ping me first, please god. amyberries on AIM. Said characters are: Tim Jones, Shelley Winters, Havelock Vetinari, Harth Fray, Captain Jack Harkness, Salzella/Opera Ghost and Ducky.]

[OOC 2: Aaaand I'm done. Heh, that was fun.]

havelock vetinari, ducky, shelley winters, harth fray, puck, salzella, jack harkness

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