As the door shuts behind her, a girl dressed in Peacekeeper tech coveralls lands on the floor with a thump, deactivating her lightsaber through the Force before it clatters on the ground beside her.
Jaina bites down hard on her lip as a surge of pain races through her leg, cursing loudly. The blood's soaked through the pants leg by now; and the large gash on her left leg from the where pulse pistol blast had hit her looks worse than she had previously thought.
But now's not the time to think about that. She needs to get out of this lift, needs to go find Aeryn so they can-- Wait. Something's not right. Jaina blinks, turning her head to look at the lift doors. But where they should be is only a wall. A familiar wall.
"Kriff, I can't be back here," she mutters angrily. Jaina attempts to stand, to bang against the wall - to try something to get out of the bar and back to the Command Cruiser - but her leg can't support the weight and the Jedi collapses on the floor again.
"Kriff, kriff, kriff!"
[ooc: plot locked. say sorry.]