
Feb 12, 2006 15:55

There is a goddess sitting at the Bar sipping a Tequila Sunrise. When did she get there?

rupert giles, easter

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watcher_g_man February 13 2006, 00:08:13 UTC
Look at that, there's now a Watcher sitting by her. Equally sudden and surprising. It's maaaagic!

"Good evening, Eostre," Giles remarked with a warm tone, and a warm smile to match.


eostre_of_dawn February 13 2006, 00:12:24 UTC

And there is a wide smile turned towards him, bright as the morning sun.

"Rupert, imagine meeting you here."


watcher_g_man February 13 2006, 00:17:43 UTC
"Quite surprising isn't it?" Giles smiled, thinking that sunlight smile truly beautiful indeed. He lifted her hand to give a gentle kiss across her knuckles.

"And how are you?"


eostre_of_dawn February 13 2006, 00:24:58 UTC

She squeezes the hand that is holding hers with another smile.

"There are flowers starting to bloom back home, I'm doing wonderfully. And how have you been, my dear?"


watcher_g_man February 13 2006, 00:29:06 UTC
Giles kept clasping her hand, feeling no urge to let go.

"So soon? That must be a lovely sight. And I'm very well, thank you." Especially recently.


eostre_of_dawn February 13 2006, 00:33:22 UTC

"Crocuses poking their little heads up, the days are longer, it is my time of year."

She doesn't like Autumn, she tends to feel rather ill most of the time. She smiles, shifting slightly closer on her seat.

"Itis a time of renewal, even here, where you can't tell it yet. Things are waking up."


watcher_g_man February 13 2006, 00:41:28 UTC
Giles likewise was scooting closer, though not entirely aware of it. Many things were waking up. Physical, emotional...

"Yes, it's seemed like a long winter. Coming of spring, a glorious time to be sure."

He added with a knowing look, "Though that goes without saying, doesn't it?"


eostre_of_dawn February 13 2006, 00:49:51 UTC

"Does it? There seem to be people who like other times far better. I've never understood them though."

She sips her drink again, and toys with the glass, twisting it around on a cusion of moisture on Bar's surface. She glances up at him coyly, it is good to still be able to wake something up.


watcher_g_man February 13 2006, 00:58:59 UTC
There was much with Giles that gone to sleep. There was hints. Moments. With Jenny, briefly with Olivia. A few others, but he thought it was enough to be content with being a Watcher, and a guide. And he still had duties waiting for him. But should happiness be so denied?

"Well, each season has its moments. Though easy to find a new appreciation for a particular one." He remarked casually.


eostre_of_dawn February 13 2006, 01:10:15 UTC

In Easter's mind, self-denial is one of the primary sins of mankind. A mortal life is too short, one should accept what they can, when there is oppertunity. A little postponement is alright, but it should be paid back with interest.

"Perhaps, but perhaps it is simply my nature to be that way."

She smiles again, wryly.

"I like the waking up part."


watcher_g_man February 13 2006, 01:15:57 UTC
He simply saw it as not as important as matters like well, saving the world from ending... again. For the hundredth time... As monotonous and lonely it got after a while.

"Perhaps." Giles agreed. His hand holding Easter's lightly stroked her palm with his fingers. "I find it enjoyable as well. Err, that is....Yes."


eostre_of_dawn February 13 2006, 01:19:01 UTC

She curls her own fingers to brush them along the palm of his hand as well.

"Yes, I like that part of waking up as well."

He grins wickedly.


watcher_g_man February 13 2006, 01:30:19 UTC
"Well, yes, quite." Awww, Giles was blushing again. But oh-ho, what about that equally wicked glint in his eyes.


eostre_of_dawn February 13 2006, 01:34:27 UTC

"He blushes."

She giggles delightlely.

"You are so very English, my dear."

She leans forward to place a light kiss on the corner of his mouth.


watcher_g_man February 13 2006, 01:45:27 UTC
Giles murmered, "So it's been said." While she did that, he turned his head to make it a real kiss.


eostre_of_dawn February 13 2006, 01:52:18 UTC

"Don't mind..."

She murmurs it against his lips and skims her hands up to wrap around his shoulders, teasing her fingertips along the back of his neck. Someday maybe they'll just sit and talk over dinner or something, but that's not likely to be happening tonight.


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