
Feb 08, 2006 16:01

There's a nice breeze today on the lake.

The tree seems to like it.

...what, never seen a tree dance before?

aeryn sun, morgan le fae, gil grissom, amanda, sheila na gig, clive, isaac of vale, jack green

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just_a_soldier February 8 2006, 16:15:35 UTC
Thankfully Aeryn isn't taking her anger out on stray trees today. Though the idea that this one is somewhat alive, gives her pause.

Zhaan was a plant, but that was different...this was just odd. Still, she's probably too busy sulking to care. And yes, it is that obvious.


sheila_nagig February 8 2006, 16:19:06 UTC
What is there to say? Her bark's way worse than her bite at the minute.

The branches wave. And are probably more inviting than they should be. There seems to be a nice, cooshy patch of moss right at the base of the tree.


just_a_soldier February 8 2006, 16:22:12 UTC
Which Aeryn doesn't sit on. She does, however, lean against the tree. This isn't Lord of the Rings, the likelihood of being eaten is small.

"Living trees are something new. Frelling Milliways."


sheila_nagig February 8 2006, 16:26:33 UTC
But it's such a nice, springy, green, SOFT mosspile! Perfectly sized for Aeryn's tiny little peacekeeper ass!

Also, an excuse for the mun to use exclamation points! The tree pouts!


just_a_soldier February 8 2006, 16:29:33 UTC
Her ass is perfect, like the mosspile, but sitting isn't on her mind.

"I've got my own issues. I don't need this dren from you too." She turned slightly, glaring at the tree.


sheila_nagig February 8 2006, 16:32:01 UTC
I'm a tree.

Of course, Aeryn can't hear the tree talking. But still. The branches wave sympathetically.


just_a_soldier February 8 2006, 16:34:49 UTC
With a sigh, Aeryn sat downwards, bringing her knees up to her chin. It's not like there was anyone but the tree to hear her complain and there was something nice about the fresh air and being able to relax, if only for a microt.

"I never really had a chance...with Jack. And I know I'll survive, that right now I have to show strength...."


sheila_nagig February 8 2006, 16:39:15 UTC
A branch pats her gently on the shoulder.

Sure, it must have been moved by the breeze, right?

But it's still comforting.


just_a_soldier February 8 2006, 16:41:36 UTC
There's a frightening lack of breeze. But Aeryn doesn't flinch.

"Somedays, I wish I'd never come here. But then I wonder what would have happened. I would have stayed on Valldon. Drinking, remembering."

He made me better.

"There are people who care for me here and I --" Care for them.

"I won't forsake that because of one man who can't see what he is missing."


sheila_nagig February 8 2006, 16:48:05 UTC
Guys can be idiots, though.

A sort-of-shrug.

But then again, so can girls.


just_a_soldier February 8 2006, 16:50:32 UTC
Aeryn exhaled, stretching, leaning the back of her head on the trunk.

"I thought he felt something. And I know I do." She shot a sharp glance around, making sure there were no eavesdroppers.

"And I hate it. I don't want to cut off my emotions again. But if I have to, I will."


sheila_nagig February 8 2006, 16:55:01 UTC
The tree doesn't agree with that at all. There should be no cutting off of emotions; they're as necessary as an arm or a leg, and you wouldn't see Aeryn cutting those off either.

She hopes.


just_a_soldier February 8 2006, 16:56:05 UTC
If she had to in order to survive. No hesitation.

"And I can't even hate him." she murmured, rubbing her temples.


sheila_nagig February 8 2006, 16:59:38 UTC
Still listening, sympathetically. Why should she hate him?


just_a_soldier February 8 2006, 17:01:53 UTC
"And I can't even hate...her"

Oh no wait, she can.


sheila_nagig February 8 2006, 17:03:58 UTC
Aaaah. The tree finally understands.

Just give her a description of Jack, or of... her... and she'll whap 'em.


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