
Feb 02, 2006 14:56

There is a frog in the bar, sitting on a table, examining those in the room.

Oh, and there may also be a Blaise in the bar as well, sitting at the same table. He doesn't notice the frog though. He's busy reading a book on ... cheese.

Why the Bar gave it to him? The world may never know.

suzie costello, estsanatlehi, robert attila

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_estsanatlehi_ February 2 2006, 22:59:13 UTC
Were she still eight, she would have asked right out if his frog sang too, but considering she wasn't eight at the moment, she just smiled, stroking the top of the frog's head, if it was a singing frog it would sing, if it wasn't, it wouldn't.


is_a_boy February 2 2006, 23:06:29 UTC
No, this frog doesn't sing, but it does ribbit. Therefore it does, as it enjoys the pets.

Blaise glances up when he hears Robert ribbiting. "Oh. Hello." He gives the frog a look, who gives him a smug look back.


_estsanatlehi_ February 2 2006, 23:13:39 UTC
She chuckled softly, nodding a greeting, still petting the frog's head, "Hello."

She liked small animals, and didn't mind the squishy ones. In fact, some days she liked them better than the fuzzy ones.


is_a_boy February 2 2006, 23:18:20 UTC
Blaise totally knows how that is. "Er. I'm Blaise. And you are?"

Robert continues to ribbit quietly. Obviously, this is not a bad person. Perhaps they can be convinced to help in the takeover?


_estsanatlehi_ February 2 2006, 23:26:05 UTC
Possibly so, just depends on what they're taking over, and why.

She smiled again, "Estsanatlehi. You can call me Ana if you like, less of a mouthful."


is_a_boy February 2 2006, 23:30:46 UTC
Why, the bar, of course! And then Queen Sunny shall rule, and there will be coloring and cookies for everyone!

Blaise slowly says the long version. "Estsanatlehi. Where does that name come from, if you don't mind me asking."

Finding out the origin of her name has to be more interesting than the different types of cheeses.


_estsanatlehi_ February 2 2006, 23:35:44 UTC
She smiled slightly, she would possibly be all over a plan like that. Provided she was eight or so at the time of the takeover. She was sometimes still eight after all, "The People gave it to me. It means 'Woman Who Changes' or simply, Changing Woman, which I am."


is_a_boy February 2 2006, 23:38:03 UTC
One eyebrow lifts up. "The People?"


_estsanatlehi_ February 2 2006, 23:39:15 UTC
She nodded, "The Navajo. Or the Apache. Or both." She shrugged, almost smiling, still stroking the frog, "The same ones that I both created and was brought to as an infant by Coyote."

Native American legends were weird.


is_a_boy February 2 2006, 23:51:15 UTC
Blaise doesn't really know anything about Native American legends, but he nods slowly. "... I see. So... what can you change into? If you're the Changing Woman?"

Robert is curious too. Can she change into a frog? It would be nice to have a fellow amphibian around to plan diabolical things with.


_estsanatlehi_ February 2 2006, 23:53:44 UTC
She laughed softly once more, it was a warm, almost welcoming sound.

She seemed to flicker, going from the age she was at the moment, twenty perhaps, all the way through to a little old grandmother, like watching time-elapsed film perhaps.

Then it reversed, going from ancient to a girl of around eight before returning to how she'd first been, "Myself. I'm always myself."


is_a_boy February 3 2006, 00:00:35 UTC
Blaise blinks a couple of times, before slightly smiling.

"That's interesting. There are people in my world who can change shape, but they can't change age like you can."


_estsanatlehi_ February 3 2006, 00:09:38 UTC
She smiled slightly, nodding, "I thought as much."

She shrugged again, petting the frog once more, "I'm exactly what it says on the label really. Most of my kind are."

A pause, "Except Rabbit. Rabbit is a liar through and through, but he's charming enough to get away with it."


is_a_boy February 3 2006, 00:17:15 UTC
He frowns a little. "So... Coyote and Rabbit... are really a coyote and a rabbit?"

The frog could very well be leaning into the pets as it seems to roll its eyes, in a very "duh" manner.


_estsanatlehi_ February 3 2006, 02:33:51 UTC
She smiled, "Proper Capitals please. Though sometimes they are a coyote and a rabbit. Just as Raven is sometimes a raven."

She was still smiling however, and it wasn't as if she was giving away trade secrets or anything.


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