OOMs: Southdown Abbey, Day Eight

Jan 15, 2006 02:57

Around two in the afternoon, the final two wedding guests -- Teddy and Constance Lee Frye, the Parents Of -- arrive at Southdown to be greeted by one Andronicus Ji Crowley...and one Badger. Then they go greet people. With some people -- like River -- this goes well. With some people (like Gabriel Tam) it ... doesn't.

A couple of hours later, Kaylee's parents are settling in, and Kaylee is inhabiting a small out-of-the-way courtyard. She is joined by first Regan Tam and then Gabriel Tam.

Next comes a nice chat -- or a very polite reading of the riot act -- between Kaylee and her father. And then, later, there are alterations to make.

At around the same time as that last, Simon's got an important question for River. And, very shortly thereafter, has an unexpected encounter with his father, followed by another with his sister.

olga, kaylee frye, regan tam, crowley, simon tam, mal reynolds, oom, river tam, gabriel tam

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