
Dec 27, 2005 19:20

Tara comes down the stairs and enters the bar, a little hop clearly in her step. Her cheeks are rather flushed. She sits down at the bar and, before she can say a word, a steaming cup of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream appears in front of her. "Thanks ( Read more... )

tara maclay, paige halliwell

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magius_unlocked December 28 2005, 03:42:58 UTC
"Good even, Tara."

And there is Magius, looking somewhat wan.


good_witch_tara December 28 2005, 03:46:04 UTC
"Evening, Magius." Tara senses some waves of exhaustion coming off him. "H-how are you?"


magius_unlocked December 28 2005, 03:49:48 UTC
"Tired, but as well as can be."

He smiles slightly, his eyes flat brown with no trace of silver.

"I had a bit of a misadventure. The magic is gone from me... entirely."

He shivers slightly.


good_witch_tara December 28 2005, 03:57:27 UTC
"Oh...goddess. I'm sorry. H-how?" Tara's never heard of magic being able to be drained from someone, at least not in this century. There are stories of it being done in the past, mainly when someone became saturated with dark magic. She doesn't sense that's what happened with Magius, though.


magius_unlocked December 28 2005, 04:01:28 UTC
"I angered my Gods and ended up losing it as a price."

There is more to the tale, but that is the gist of it.

he smiles slighlty.

"I am alive and somewhat still out of it. My perceptions... I have always had magic. Now that I dont... it is very... off-putting."


good_witch_tara December 28 2005, 04:13:43 UTC
"It's good your alive. I can imagine it would be hard to be without magic." Tara shudders to think what life would be like without the comfort of magic, of the goddess' presence. It's something she's never experienced. "The gods must be especially vengeful in your world, if they take away your magic."


magius_unlocked December 28 2005, 04:16:34 UTC
He shivers slightly again, and nods.

"I am still not completely used to it. I dont know if I ever will be."

He shakes his ehad then.

"Usually they arent, but soemtimes... they are Giods and therefore tend to guard what they see as their rights and desmesnes."


good_witch_tara December 28 2005, 04:31:29 UTC
"I suppose so. I met a god once. Glory, she was a hell god. Well, more um, hell bitch than hell god. She was pretty powerful." Tara shivers involuntarily, remembering the horrible place Glory sent her when she sucked her brain. That was probably the closest she'd been to being without magic. "Any chance you might be able to get it back?"


magius_unlocked December 28 2005, 04:38:27 UTC
He listens.

"I dont know. The God sare silent and not listening when I call, or at least not answering. I honestly... I dont know what to do. No spells work for me, I cant read anything about magic and I am bound, so I cant go to others."

He shakes his head.

"I am... I dont know."


good_witch_tara December 28 2005, 04:55:21 UTC
Tara takes his hand. "I'm sorry. I really hope things get better, if you ever need to talk..."


magius_unlocked December 28 2005, 05:01:19 UTC
He smiles a little at her.

"Thank you. It does help, talking to someone who understands. And who is a nice person."


good_witch_tara December 28 2005, 05:02:49 UTC
Tara smiles back at him. "I'm happy to be there for you."


magius_unlocked December 28 2005, 05:09:20 UTC
That earns a genuine grin.

"Your lady is a lucky woman."

His grin is approving.


good_witch_tara December 28 2005, 05:14:55 UTC
Tara grins back and blushes. "I'm lucky to have her too."


magius_unlocked December 28 2005, 05:19:12 UTC
he smiles.

"I hope you always do."

he smiles again an raises one hand where a new band sits.

"One great joy in all of this. I am engaged."


good_witch_tara December 28 2005, 05:22:30 UTC
Tara's eyes widen. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you."


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