So. A handful of
Sateré-Mawé tribesman opted to come with the Resistance when they left South America. One of them, Maripyaipok (he also answers to "Mari"), was what Shephard calls a "headcrab wrangler," catching and drugging black headcrabs for use in the tribe's coming-of-age rituals. Alyx tries to be understanding of other people's cultures, but Mari's affinity and even affection for large venomous arthropods unnerves her.
So when she walked in on the man cuddling--there's really no other word for it--cuddling a giant huntsman spider, and calling it "Freckles," she decided it was time for a Milliways break.
"All those legs, right up next to his--ygggfh..."
Alyx really hates spiders.