Title: More of Viv's Cracked Yet Poignant Future Fic
vivien529Summary: After Ingress' seventeen-year-old heart is broken for the first time, Lilly provides puh-lenty of comfort.
Rating: I never know. PG-13 for cursing and discussion of Aragorn's sexual failings? Oh, let's say R.
Characters: Ingress/Lilly, Puck, Adrian, Aria, and NPC'd teenage Aragorn
Spoilers: ???
Author's Note: For the Ten Years Later challenge (even though it's only set six years in the future). Oh, and it's all Emmy's fault for teasing "Why hasn't Tom made out with Lilly?" which then transitioned to "Why hasn't Ingress made out with Lilly?" Don't put these ideas into my head!
Disclaimer: Thanks so much to Emmy and Merc for letting me borrow Lilly and Puck and the kids. Also my apologies to any future or past Aragorn players. He is not a bad guy. He's just on the losing end of the heartbroken narrator!
Ingress collapsed on a barstool and buried her face in her hands.Fake cut to journal!