Title: Time Ends
wonderwhatif Summary: Millitime is not always the blessing you suspect.
Rating: Everyone, unless you find death upsetting XD
Characters: Aeryn Sun, mention of John Crichton and Stark.
Spoilers: Third season of Farscape.
Author's Note: My very forced attempt at getting this out in time and actually managing to write something. My entry for the millirific 42 prompt - Millitime :D!
Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. I am only the mun of one Aeryn Sun, but unfortunately she doesn't belong to me either. Damn you Henson.
Time. Time? What was time, what did it mean? Here of all places, did it mean anything at all? Those were the big questions that Aeryn Sun didn't concern herself with. Time could do whatever the frell it wanted. She followed orders, her own now. She went were she wanted to go, did what she wanted to do. Time. Un-erasable. Inescapable. Time flowed past whether you wanted it to or not. She wanted it to very much. Except here...time did not seem to go anywhere at all.
She would return. She would clench her jaw until her teeth hummed with the effort. She would nod her respect and thanks to her shipmates, even Stark, who had helped make the transition so easy. She would go to her bunk and sit at the window where he had so easily made her feel at home. Look at the stars he had named, smell the sheets he had lain against.
She would leave this place. She would exit the door, finally sober. But this Bar of dreams and creatures you could not name had one cruel trick. When she left, nothing would have changed.
He'd still be dead.
They'd still be waiting for her, to start the funeral, to say something perfect.
And she would still be silent, lost...while a million microts trickled through her fingertips.
He would still be dead.
Time. Ends.