Title: Will You Stay With Me?
ceitfiannaPrompt: 016: Future
Rating: G with suggestions of R
Character(s): Sameth(Abhorsen Chronicles), Kait Galweigh(The Secret Texts)
Pairing(s): Sameth/Kait
Spoiler(s): Spoilers for the end of Abhorsen and the end of Sabriel
Summary: They never talked about the future, it always seemed too dangerous, too tied up in duties and family.
Word count: 319
Disclaimer: the characters aren't mine, I'm just playing with them
a/n: for those curious, Prompt from
Millirific42 table, Future. Now edited for proper formatting in the top.
They never talked about the future, it always seemed too dangerous, too tied up in duties and family. When he returned to the Bar after the Destroyer was brought down, he thought so many things, how he'd missed her, how he knew how to talk to her, how he never wanted to lose her, but he could only manage a few of them. Then she would look at him and kiss him and Sam felt that he could do anything, because she saw something in him. He wasn't sure what, but he would do all he could to live up to that look in her eyes.
After saving the Old Kingdom and most of Ancelstierre, his parents had married and had been together ever since, he knew that futures together could be built on strange and rocky ground. The only thing was he didn't know how to begin. His parents were so comfortable together, as if the world had never been without the other.
Sameth wasn't sure if that was what he had with Kait, at times he thought it might be. Yet there were some moments, he would find her watching him with a measuring look in her eyes, he felt that he was being weighed, something was being weighed. He just hoped that she would tell him, at times he thought she was about to, but instead the topic would turn. So they discussed his new duties and how best to serve those who needed them. Other times they didn't talk, they lost themselves in kisses and each other, she would kiss his scars with a wonder that he never quite understood. They would talk of history and his projects, sometimes things felt right and it didn't matter too much that they never said what they would do next. Perhaps Milliways was only meant to be a place of now for them not of what might be.