Title: Special Weapons
camwynWord count: 261
Rating: PG
This is, officially, the WORST IDEA EVER re: the Island of Gratuitous Mayhem plot. Naturally, it had to be ficced.
The short, stubby pier was just barely visible through the fog that shrouded the rest of Gruinard Island's harbour. Engines cut to nearly nothing, the boat drifted quietly up beside them. As Archie began tying the boat up he called, "Is he all right?"
Cooper glanced at Zuko, who had his fingers on Wells' pulse; Zuko nodded.
"All right, then," said Archie. "Sir? I believe it's your call now."
Cooper grimaced. "I don't like it," he said. "Not at all."
"You don't have a choice," said Zuko grimly. "The ospreys took out our healer and half our fighting strength. You'll never get those papers with all we've got left."
"Who mounts lasers on a bird, anyway?" wondered Andrew from the bunk where he lay prone and blinded. "It's supposed to be sharks."
"Suppose you're right," said Cooper, who still looked like he wanted to spit. "Okay. Let's get this started. The sooner it's done, the sooner we can gather it up and go home."
Archie nodded and lay down the ramp. Suppressing a shudder, Cooper turned and slashed the straps holding the thing in place. "A'right," he said as it moved away from the wall. "You have thirty minutes. Anything else and I swear to God we'll jab Ace with enough stimulant to go after you herself. D'you understand?"
There was silence. Then, a sullen, metallic "YES."
"Fine. Half an hour. I'm starting the watch now."
"YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED LAST," the Dalek promised as it rolled off the boat and headed for the entrance to the Special Weapons Division laboratories.