Nov 02, 2004 19:48
Ok, so I get to the voting place, I did my thing and I walked out. Somebody was waiting to give me my "I voted today" sticker which I proudly displayed on my jacket! Go me!
Then I walked out and somebody wanted to give me a "I voted no on #3" sticker. (Or maybe it was yes) Anyway, it was the one "protecting family values in Utah" So I said, "No thanks" and walked away. They looked at me like the pariah I clearly am. You know... it just pisses me off. If people don't fit in their little "family" mold, then you must not be a family. Well, here's the deal, little Mormon Barbie.. You and your perfect family... not so freaking perfect.. Your husband, who works with me, supporting you in your housewife life, and your 7 kids... on the elevator, at the end of the day, his hand is on my ass... yeah, mine.. the girl that isn't blonde and pretty like you... the girl who works for a living and didn't go to BYU.. and here's the sad part honey, he figures out a way to get this done going down ONE FLOOR. Now, when you get YOUR family in order, and your you start giving your husband the sex he's trying to find at work (with no success, might I add) and not the "ok, let's get this over with so we can get pregnant" sex, then maybe, JUST maybe, I will let you give me insight into what your idea of a "family" is. Until then, take your stroller and your fucking minivan and get the hell out of my face.
Vent over...
I have more to write on another subject, but I will make a second entry