Mar 07, 2007 12:16
I`m going to change.
For the better.
I'm happy. but only with my social life. My friends are amazing.
Simona helped me realize alot that I can do that will help me get thru this depression phase.
I`m very unhappy with moving and I'm not getting along with my parents.
I like when they leave town cuz those are the only days we dont screem at eachother.
I'm trying to make peace with alot of people.
There are some though that I'm like "why bother" cuz i know all I'm gonna get is shit instead of being on good terms.
But i'm still gonna try.
I'm also trying harder to show my parents responsibility and do everything so that they have no reason to bitch at me.
i dont know.
i'm just ok with life right now.
i just think so much could be better.
so i`m working to change things.
p.s. 5 months on monday for me and kris ♥ :]