(no subject)

May 25, 2006 22:40

Welcome, everybody!

I’ve never administrated anything before, and I haven’t ever been very heavily involved in a fan community, so I’m going to be fumbling a bit here... and if anyone else is interested in helping out, I would be super grateful. Particularly, as I said on the Takarazuka community, if you’d be interested in making a layout. This one is, obviously, totally boring and temporary.

So! Hi! Take a quick look at the rules on the userinfo page. Then make a post here just to say hello, and answer any of the following questions so we can get to know each others’ tastes and thoughts for the community...

1) Are you here to write/draw/create or just to observe?

2) What kinds of things are you interested in creating? In seeing?

3) Would you be interested in challenges? Got any ideas for challenges?

4) How do you feel about RP stories?

5) Any ideas for this community you might have. I’m open to any suggestions and wishes.

welcome, introduction, moderator, announcement

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