You & Me - The Second Act - Chapter 7

Jan 22, 2008 22:29

here we go again
sorry you had to wait. next chapter will be there for you soon.

Chapter seven

“Woah, what a pretty sight!” Asako got really excited when she stood at Osa’s large window, looking at the night view. “So wonderful! I really envy you for getting to see that every night.” She exclaimed.
“You could move in with me and make it yours as well.” Osa said, her voice half joking half serious.

“Stop kidding. Don’t say things like that... what would you do if I took your word on this?” Asako sat down on the sofa, reaching for the cup of jasmine tea Osa had prepared for her. “Live with you, I guess.” Osa shrugged her shoulders and grinned.
“I absolutely can’t believe you did not invite me over earlier!” Asako had decided to change the topic a bit.
“Oh, but I did! Every week. You said you’d wait until I finished everything so I would not be embarrassed to let you see the chaos...” Osa looked at her knotted fingers.
“Ah, but you were actually glad I spared you that!” Asako pointed one finger at Osa, who looked into her eyes once more.
“You’re right. I was.” They both laughed.

Osa had moved in two and a half months ago, but the delivery of some furniture like her new wardrobe got delayed, and she could not unpack the boxes which had made her quite uncomfortable in her new apartment.
“I really want to thank you, that I was allowed to come over so many times.”
“Masa-chan is always welcome at my home.” Asako declared in a childish voice, accompanied by one of her bright smiles.
“Stop being so cute!” Osa laughed.
“Or what?” Asako teased her.
“Or I will have to resist the urge to feed you dinner. Which is ready by the way. Shall we eat then?”
...of course.” Asako dropped her smile and Osa stood up.

Later they sat on the sofa drinking more tea. “I want to know more about Europe... About your time in England. You never told me more then when we first met at the theatre.” Asako looked into her cup, not daring to face Osa in case she didn’t want to tell her.
“I figured you wouldn’t want to know more, cause you never again asked till now... “
“Of course I want! But I wasn’t sure you’d tell me. That’s why I didn’t dare to ask. I was afraid you’d... Pretty stupid we both are, don’t you think?” Asako gave a small laugh. “That’s true.” They looked into each other’s eyes, smiling.

Their meeting was three months in the past now; the premiere would be five weeks from now. Then the show would run for seven weeks. Sometimes Asako would think about what was going to be then, but she tended to shove the thought into the back of her mind. It was a long time till then; she could think about it then.

“When I found myself a small apartment in London I felt so lonely sitting there on my own every night. I wasn’t used to being left alone even if I requested it, you know of course... I tried hard to keep myself busy with learning english. I didn’t dare to go out and actually meet people to test my english skills at that point.”

While Osa spoke, Asako gently laid one hand on hers. “Every other night I heard someone play on the piano and realised that it was coming from the apartment below. So I took all the courage I got and knocked on my neighbour’s door. He was right away apologising for disturbing me with his playing - I didn’t even understand half of his words. So I tried to explain that I came to listen to his playing and he invited me in. Well, he soon realised that my english badly needed training and he offered to teach me. Since he was already teaching his friend from India, it wouldn’t be a bother to him he told me, because I was about to decline out of politeness.”

Osa took a sip of her now nearly cold tea. “After some weeks, I was trying to grow my hair at that point, he offered to accompany me to a coiffeur. I really was puzzled why he did this and told him I wanted to have longer hair. Some time later I found out why he had offered it to me.” Osa laughed at the memory.
“Ah, Masa-chan, don’t tell me he...”
“Yes, he did. I found out when he asked me if I knew an Asian woman because he needed someone for the play he was casting for. I told him of course I know someone - me. After some confusion on his side, and even more apologising he asked me to take the role in his play. It was quite funny and I finally got to know more people. At this pointed I actually started to be convinced that my decision to go had been right...”

Osa kept on talking all through the night. She leaned her head on Asako’s shoulder while talking. She felt an arm go around her waist, pulling her closer. She felt sleep taking over but, was too lazy to stand up and go to bed. Asako’s warmth at her side was way too comforting to do so...


so.. next chapter is where the action is finally starting *laughs*

pairing: haruno sumire/sena jun, literary: rps, literary: rpf, slash, haruno sumire, author: kugelfischli, sena jun, you & me, literary: fanfic

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