RPF - Morie and Magee (part 1)

Jan 12, 2011 17:13

Title: Morie and Magee ~ A love story ~
Author: tsuki_gumi
Summary: Morie is falling for Magee. Love is in the air.  
Genre: Romance.
Main characters: Aoki Izumi and Seijou Kaito.
Rating: PG-13

How can I forget? Your smell, your gentle touch and your warm cheek.I'm only a human and neither I can resist this wonderful woman.
Magee and I always got placed next to each others in dances and some scenes. In that way we got closer to each others and became close friends.

I wanna begin this story when we was rehearsing Elisabeth, in the spring of 2009.
It was a warm and sunny morning the 16th April. I was getting up early to fix my hair and to put on a little make up. Today we was gonna rehears Elisabeth. I checked my calender to see wich roles we was gonna rehears, I was gonna play Elmer today. I sat down for a while with my manuscript to read my lines. Few minutes later I packed my things and putted on my jacket and shoes.
“A sunny day like this I gonna wear my new sunglasses” I said to myself. With the sunglasses on my noes I took a quick check off myself in the mirror.
“I look quite pretty today”. I grabed my bag and jumped out from my apartment. I was getting near the Music School and saw that Magee was walking a few meters before me.
“Magee-san!” I called out. Magee turned around and waited for me.

“Good morning Morie-san. How you do?” Magee asked me with a huge smile on her face. She always looked like a sun.
“Good morning. I feel pretty well. Excited to rehears today?”
“Yes. But I slept horrible this night. I hope I will feel a little brighter after the warming up, don't you think?”. Magee was holding a thermos with coffee in her right hand and a big dark grey bag in her left. She was wearing a white cap and a black jacket together with her favorite training pants; dark blue with two white stripes on each side. She was looking deeply into my eyes and smiled so lovely only she can.
“Ah, yes. I feel myself a little slow today”. We stood and looked at each others for just a second before I looked away and felled a gentle warmness coming on to my cheeks.
“Let's go to the rehearsal Magee-san. We can't be late”.

With Magee next to me we walked to the Music School without saying a word. In my head was thousands thoughts circling around.
I feel so warm with Magee next to me and at the same time very confused. She's my most beloved friend I have. I feel... happy?
“You look very thoughtful, Morie. Is something bothering you?” Magee and I stopped, she turned around, dropped her bag and placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked down to my shoes, trying to find the answers there but couldn't find much. She was always so caring, my Magee.
“My Magee?”
“What?” I raised my head to meet Magee's dark brown eyes.
“Did you just say: 'my Magee'?” She took off her hand from my shoulder and I quickly took it into my hand and said:
“Yes, yes. I... actually. What I meant was...” Again I looked down to my shoes. Magee released her hand from my grip and placed it on my chin. Gently she raised my head so I could meet her eyes.
“Morie-san. Don't you worry. I'll be here next to you if you wanna talk, okay?” I nod.
“Mmm! Let's go!”

To be continued...

author: tsuki_gumi, tsukigumi, seijou kaito

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