Jun 21, 2008 09:03
It gives me great pleasure to announce the result of the latest Bunny-Mint vote. You may remember that the proposal was:-
That play pens be banned.
The Bunny-Mint proposed that the use of play pens be banned unless they are used to protect buns that would otherwise be in danger.
The results are as follows - In favour of the ban = 7 votes. Against the ban = 7 votes.
This is a very unusual sit-you-asian. This is the first time that I can remember that there is no clear decision from a vote, I have therefore consulted Dandy's original notes as to what to do if this should arise, and I see that the Pry-Minister has the casting vote.
Having looked at the wording of the motion and that if carried that play pens ARE still allowed to protect buns in danger, then I have decided to support the motions.
I therefore declare that the Bunny-Mint has ruled that play pens are banned unless they are used to keep buns safe.
Millie-Millie-Millie-Millie Bun-Bun-Bun-Bun Pry-Minister of Lagamorphia.