First of all, I would like to thank EVERYBUN for their suggestions about how best to address the carrot question. Useful information so far...
The Tesco allotment have carrots with green tops reduced in price to 1 gold pellet token at the moment.
Markets & greengrocer allotments USUALLY have carrots a bit cheaper.
I have a major project though for EVERYBUN to par-tissy-pate in. I want each and everybun of you to send your 2-foots out to buy a packet of carrot seeds which look like this
If possy-bull get a variety that grows carrots like these
The advantage of these particular carrots is that they can be grown indoors on a windowsill, but whatever kind you get, plant them this week and be prepared to give regular reports of how well they are doing. At WORST, you should get a good crop of LOVELY green tops.