If you ever catch me listening to a buck again...

Dec 05, 2007 17:17

"I've got a REALLY good idea" Cedric said. "Let's ask everybun to vote for their least favourite Bunny Tune and then we can reduce the size of the chart".

I must admit, I was a bit uneasy when he suggested it, but he ASSURED me that he knew what he was doing, and that he was SURE that when they had time to think about it, everybun would think it was a good idea.

Eventually, as I'm sure you all realise I had to step in and put an end to this folly. I tried supporting Cedric (against my better judgement), but it became apparent to me very quickly that it was a VERY unpopular idea, so...

If ANY of you EVER catch me listening to a buck again, then please give me a sharp bite on the backside!
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