Nov 06, 2004 00:40
I just got off the phone with Michael. He called and woke me up at about 2am, which I don't mind in the least...for him anyways. We couldn't talk long so we gave each other the 5 minute spill on whats going on in our lives. He's dealing with bullets flying at his head during the day and mortars flying into the camp at night. Yet he still manages to sound happy and cheerful on the phone. Makes me feel bad for being depressed. I'm still excited from talking to him which means I probably won't be able to sleep tonight. I'll get sleepy sometime tomorrow, like right around the time for me to start the game. Oh well.
I think the reason why I'm so depressed is that I really hate being alone. Which is very odd considering the fact that people annoy me. I won't go into names but people in general. I miss the days when it was just me and Michael against the world. The world being our families that didn't want us together, our ex's that hate us both with every ounce of their existence, our friends that felt like we were stealing each other away from them, and Pres. Bush who thinks we are a threat to the institute of marriage. Through all of that crap we managed to pull off 2 years of love, companionship, tears, and unbelievably great sex. I miss him dearly. At one point he became the sole reason I got out of bed every morning. He still is actually. I carry on day by day knowing he'll be back even though it won't be until a year and a half from now. Kinda makes me sad, but at least I still have something to live for. This might sound silly to you older folks and odd to people my age or younger, but when the Fates seem like they are taking pleasure in your misery, you need something to hold onto that will keep you going. For me, its my Michael and I love him for that.