New Roles

Dec 16, 2010 18:16

I've added a few new roles to the Master Rules that I've discovered over the past year. Also note that there is a new variant for the LOVERS and DEVIL.


The IDIOT does not know they are the idiot. If the IDIOT gets lynched, it is revealed that he is in fact the IDIOT and the village realizes they screwed up and pardons the player before killing them. The player gets to continue playing, but no longer gets to vote for who would let an idiot vote. The IDIOT can die by any other means and is revealed as the IDIOT upon death.


The ELDER is a man of great respect and importance in town. He has seen much and is grizzeled by his experiences. As a result, if the WOLVES target him, he won't die the first time. He must be targeted twice by the wolves in order to die. No one will die that night. Any other method of killing him, however, will get him the first time such as lover suicide, HUNTER's gun, WITCH's poison, etc. If the ELDER is ever killed by the village and not by the wolves, all villager specials do NOT work for at least one day as the village mourns in despair over having lost such a font of wisdom. (VARIANT: some games have the specials lose their special ability permanently). Additionally if the VILLAGE IDIOT is in the game and has been revealed as the VILLAGE IDIOT, upon the death of the ELDER, the town will kill him, for the village having lost its wisdom, will reconsider its decision to spare the IDIOT.


Because life isn't bad enough with WOLVES, SERIAL KILLERS, MAFIA and WERE HAMSTERS, now we have the PIPER. Driven from the village and screwed over by the cheating skeptical residents of Millers Hollow many many years ago, the PIPER has returned in disguise to enact a terrible revenge. Every night, the PIPER designates two new people and they are charmed by the PIPER. Charmed people are identified to each other, but do not know who the PIPER is. When the entire game is filled with CHARMED people, the PIPER wins and everyone else loses. The PIPER cannot charm himself. Charmed players retain all normal abilites. The charm is not transmitted through lovers (no it's not an STD).


The White Wolf is an EXTRA WEREWOLF. Add one to the normal number. However, he is a traitor to the wolves and wishes to see everyone in the village dead! His win condition is as the sole remaining resident of Millers Hollow. The other wolves do not know he is a WHITE WOLF. Every night, he joins the wolves in their decision to eat someone. Additionally, every other night (even numbered nights) he will stay out later than the other wolves after the night kill, and may choose to kill one of the werewolves as well. He does not have to kill a werewolf on even numbered nights.


Every night after the werewolves go to sleep, he can choose a player that he suspects of being a WEREWOLF (putting an anonymous marker on the suspect's house). The accused player will have 2 extra votes against him the next day (optionally one). The RAVEN may not change these votes during the day.

LOVERS Variant: an alternate to the LOVERS. Cupid may optionally declare a JILTED LOVER, a SECRET LOVER, and a DECEITFUL LOVER. Cupid first like normal declares two players as LOVERS. Then if he wishes he may declare one of the LOVERS to really be in love with someone else (a SECRET LOVER) and select a third player. The LOVER who is in love with someone else becomes the DECEITFUL LOVER. The LOVER who is being deceived becomes the JILTED LOVER. The new person selected becomes the SECRET LOVER.

If the JILTED LOVER is killed, neither of the other lovers dies.
If the DECEITFUL LOVER is killed, the other two lovers commit suicide.
If the SECRET LOVER is killed, only the DECEITFUL LOVER commits suicide, the JILTED LOVER realizes he has been jilted and does not commit suicide.

DEVIL Variant: The DEVIL finds out WEREWOLVES as well as the SEER. In live games, the Mayor will give a thumbs up for SEER, a thumb sideways for WEREWOLF, and a thumb down for anything else. This is a variant and is not currently implemented yet in Millers Hollow.

Variant: If the DEVIL is still alive when the wolves all die, the DEVIL carries on their work, killing one person a night. The game will continue until the rest of the villagers catch the rogue DEVIL. The Devil loses his spy on the SEER ability as he's too busy murdering during the night.

Variant: If the DEVIL is ever targeted by the Werewolves he becomes a WEREWOLF instead of dying. He loses his spy on the SEER ability.

Other Variants

Multiple Towns - Welcome to Millers Hollow and Thiercelieux! Yes, that's right, not one, but two villages! Everyone will be divided up randomly between two villages, the second village strangely run by the Mayor's twin brother. Each village will have wolves, villagers, a seer, and the same specials. Day and Night happens at the same time in both villages. Each village can not see what's going on in the other village. People can leave either village and travel to the new village. Traveling may take some time depending on the availability of the moderator. Traveling while I sleep in real life is probably not a good idea, as for some reason you got lost going from one town to another and it mysteriously took 8 hours travel time where as another player only had it take 15 minutes. Your role does not change when you switch villages.

Graffiti - the townsfolk begin writing graffiti on one of the walls in town. This can only be done using anonymous commenting on the graffiti post. You are not allowed to comment un-anonymously. Since the comment is anonymous feel free to sign it or not sign it anyway you'd like. At some point the Mayor will get tired of the graffiti and repaint the wall.

Random Events - an event happens every day that changes the game slightly. This can range from a flood separating the town for one day in which case there are two lynchings and two wolf eatings but only from each respective half. A Lover's spat where the lovers hate each other for the day and may vote against each other (and live if the other dies). And other several events pulled from the New Moon set.

Executioner - the village may elect an executioner. This person kills the victims of lynching only. These victims roles are kept secret and only known to the Executioner. He can of course tell everyone if he so wishes. He designates a successor if he dies who receives his notes on the dead.
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