The sun rapidly set. The mayor came out on the balcony to watch the carnage that was about to ensue. Accusations were thrown, votes piled up, changed, and moved around until finally the town gazed at poor
The crowd menacing, moved in. He was grabbed roughly by
smurfetts_lamb and
slojae as
cambler raised up the revolver.
"Wait! Wait! I'm the Seer!"
giantlaser shouted out. The crowd hesitated, releasing his arms. He took multiple steps shakily back, hands up, "Now come on, hold on." But he wasn't watching where he was stepping, and snagged his foot on a raised up cobblestone. He stumbled, falling backwards, his body landing perfectly on the new guillotine that the Mayor had recently purchased. As his head landed, the blade triggered, plummeting down, faster then he could react.
giantlaser's head bounced across the square.
His body was shaken so violently that papers flew up from his coat. Astrology symbols were on them. And then the town realized that the Seer had died. Three wolves snickered.
giantlaser the SEER is DEAD!