Requested by
truenorthernerDone is PS CS2, but should translate fairly easily.
Make a graphic like this:
First off I started with this texture from
Next I added my first picture. Now the pictures that I used, I had previously cut out and colored and saved the psd's, but from the way it looks and from what I remember, I duplicated the layer and set it to Screen, desaturated it, and added a couple of color layers.
#0D004C-- Exlusion 53%
#BBE6FE -- Colorburn 50%
# F26D7D -- Softlight 79%
Then duplicate the base again, bring it to the top, desaturated it, and set to Overlay...probably around 40-50%. I think the edges of the picture are glowy like that because I used a large, soft round brush when I cut it, but I may have used the Diffuse Glow effect as well.
Then I added my other two pictures and moved them around until I liked the arrangement. I used the same coloring on these as the first. There was a lot of empty space that I knew that I wouldn't need so I went ahead a cropped a good bit of the texture off that I wasn't using as well.
I added my text next. The words 'heart and soul' are done with Marcelle Script and the 'sing with your' is done with Times New Roman. In the 'heart and soul' I also added a 3px black stroke (layer>>layerstyle>>stroke) and a drop shadow to make the text pop out more. The 'sing with your' has a drop shadow and a 1px black stroke as well.
Next I added some brushes beneath the pictures. The tiny text is from
ownthesunshine and the swirlies are from
_iconographer On the swirl brush layers, I also added a drop shadow just to make them stand out a bit more from the rest.
Next I added this texture from
absolutetrouble. The blend mode is softlight with a 39% opacity. doesn't look very good. Time to fix that :)
To finish it off, I added a gradient map adjustment layer (layer>>new adjustment layer>>gradient map), using this default PS gradient.
The blend mode on that is Softlight 100%
And that's it :)
I didn't go in depth with some of the steps, but if you have any questions on how to do these things, feel free to ask for a further explanation :)