Johnny Depp grunge tutorial

Sep 05, 2007 18:46

This was requested by an anonymous person, so who ever you ya go :p

Done in PS CS2, but should transfer to lower versions of PS and possibly other programs.

Make this blend:

Click thumbnails for full size images

The tutorial is written with black and white pictures may work with colored pictures as well with some adjustments.

Okay, I first started out with this texture from fangirls_inc

I opened up the first picture that I wanted to use and after extracting(I used the pen tool, but use whichever method works best for you) it from the background, I pasted it on the texture. I set the layer to Softlight 100% and duplicated it until I liked how it looked. In this instance I duplicated the layer 3 times and each is on Softlight 100% as well.

To make it so the images were more blended into the texture, I took the eraser tool with a soft round brush and just erased away a bit of the bottoms of the images.

I opened up the second picture that I wanted to use and did the same thing as with the first except I only duplicated the Softlight layer twice instead of three times. Since the first picture was the focal point, I didn't want the second one to be as prominent.

Looks pretty good, but I thought that it needed something more in the middle so I was thinking about what to do and I remembered a technique done in a tutorial HERE at _bitter_endings that I thought would work well.

So I picked another picture to use and sized it down quite a bit...I think it was around 100x100. I then cut the picture again from the background and then pasted it on the texture and set the blend mode to Multiply 100%. I duplicated that layer and moved it over to that it was next to the original layer. I duplicated that one as well and moved it over also. Next I linked the three layers together and then merged them so that the three images were on one layer.

Okay, next duplicate the layer with the three images on it and flip it vertical and moved it down a bit...5 or so pixels. Now to make it look like a reflection of the original layer, I set the blend mode to Softlight 100%. It was a little bit too light so I duplicated the layer so make it more visible.

Next on a new layer I used my rectangular marquee tool and made a small rectangle between the two images. I filled mine with black, but you can use any color you want.

Alright, next I wanted a background for the little images so I just clicked on my original texture layer and using my rectangular marquee tool again, I selected a portion of the texture and then pasted it beneath the small images. I set the layer to Softlight 100% and then duplicated the layer and set that one to Multiply 100%. I also added a couple of tiny text brushes from fangirls_inc and some x's from ?? I also added some text using OptimusPrincepsSemiBold in white. I added a drop shadow and a 3px stroke in black. On a layer underneath the text, I used this text brush from yumei_k

I set the layer to Softlight 100% and then duplicated it two times.

Alright, got the blend done. Now time to add some effects. A lot of these things I didn't do for any specific reason. Most everything I do is derived from trial and error. Like I'll try different textures and different brushes and go through the blend modes and things. The things that I don't think look good, get deleted off of the graphic and the things that I do think look good, I keep. And a lot of the time there is more error than not, but that is part of the learning process. So if you find that the textures or brushes that I use here, aren't working with your graphic, then it never hurts to try something else :)

Okay, the first thing I did was make a new layer and take one of my dry media brushes...I don't remember exactly which one I used, but I think it was this one.

I just took it in black and stamped over the pictures

Then I set the layer to Softlight. It give some depth to the pictures so they don't look so washed out.

Next I took this texture from ??...if you know please let me know so I can credit. Thanks!

I pasted it so that it was situated over the corner of the small images. I desaturated it and set the Blend mode to Lighten 100%. I erased the parts of the texture that were covering the other pictures.

I took these textures from HERE

I placed the on the graphic and desaturated them and used either Screen or Lighten for the blend mode. I didn't put them on in any particular way. I just moved them around, rotating some and erasing parts of others until I liked how it looked.

Almost done! :)

To finish it off, I wanted to give it a bit of color so I added a gradient map adjustment layer and used the default PS rainbow gradient. The blend mode was set to softlight 100%

I wasn't really satisfied with how that looked...too green or something so I added a color balance adjustment layer to remedy that.

Now to add some more depth, I went to the layer above my pictures and added this texture from Tre(sorry, the link I have is dead so if anyone knows a current one, please let me know. Thanks.)
I set it to colorburn 35%

Finally I took these two scratchy from fangirls_inc and the other from loveicon

The one from Fangirls_inc (the 2nd one) I set to Multiply 41% and the other is on colorburn 100% and duplicated. I also placed those two more on the left picture of Johnny to accentuate that one more since it was the main picture.

And that's it! :D

textures, blend, pscs2, adjustment layers, tutorial

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