Mar 20, 2009 12:44
Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day.
~Ranier Maria Rilke "Letters to a Young Poet"
I love this quote. I may have posted it before, but I love going back every once in awhile and revisiting these words. It's so true. I have a new philosophy. I want to maximize the happy moments in my life. Life is too short to spend it being unhappy. I will eat dessert if it makes me happy, spend as much time in the sun as possible, and wear the fancy jewelry that I save for special occasions. Because everyday is a special occasion. I just had a few really bad days at work and I decided when I woke up this morning, NO MORE! I am lucky to have a job, a roof over my head, and food on the table. I live in a city where the sun shines practically 360 days a year, there is a beach in close proximity, and I have many many friends. Im closing my eyes and committing this plan, and these words, to memory. BE HAPPY!!!