Jan 07, 2009 16:59
I'm going to see him tonight. Told him that I didn't want the first time we saw each other to be in front of all our friends during the stupid Eagles game. I even thought about skipping the game, but that's really just cutting off my nose to spite my face. Of course he was eager to see me, too. I'm trying to steel myself. I don't want to cry like a baby, for heaven's sake, it hasn't even been that long. But I do feel I've lost a lot with this one. I will miss his dog so much! And there was so much potential! But the reality is, he's younger, and he's still got years to focus on his career, whereas I am ready for something more committed now. I'm mostly done with the mopey part. But I'm kind of now onto the angry part. Like, why lead me on if you were just going to freak out and run away? But I suppose it does no good to scream at someone. I haven't really told anyone that we're done. I just don't feel like talking about it and hearing other people's opinions. Why does everyone have an unsolicited opinion when you tell them that a relationship ended?
I don't know how to convey to the next guy not to even bother asking me out if he will turn out to have commitment issues. I thought I sort of told this one the same thing.
The good news is probably that since 2009 is starting off so crappy, it can really only get better from here, right?