All Californians, please vote NO on Prop 8!!!!

Oct 01, 2008 15:42

Aside from the Presidential election, this November's ballot has a few other issues of importance here in California. Primary amongst them is Proposition 8. This is a bill that would specifically define marriage as between a man and a woman and therefore outlaw gay marriage. I can't believe, that in the day and age of a black president people are still being denied their civil rights.

Even more offensive is a campaign ad that's being run urging people to vote yes on Prop 8. They say that the Supreme Court of California voted to allow gay marriage "in spite of overwhelming voter response to the contrary." Well, since equal rights is something protected by the Constitution, and all the court did was interpret the Constitution, it really didn't require a popular vote, so what the "people" wanted is pretty irrelevant when their own Constitution already voices an opinion on the subject.

What outrages me more than anything is that a Professor of Law from Pepperdine Law speaks in the commercial on behalf of this Proposition. How could someone who has not only studied the law extensively, but teaches it to others, believe that this is not an issue of equal rights that is protected by both the state constitution and the federal constitution? To rule otherwise would be a complete miscarriage of justice. His statements are nothing short of completely ridiculous. One of his "potential outcomes" which he warns the public of is that "gay marriage will be taught in the public schools!!!" What does that even mean? Are they currently running courses on straight marriage in the public schools?

I'm embarassed that in 2008 there are still people living in my country who are so prejudiced and judgmental that they believe they have the right to decide who other people can be legally bound to.

What ever happened to Live and Let Live?

One item in that wikipedia article above did, however, make me swell with pride: Six senior California Episcopal bishops issued a statement opposing Proposition 8 on September 10, 2008

I'm not a church-going Episcopalian, but I would someday like to raise my kids this way, because time and time again, they show that they believe that religion needs to turn with the times. They have been one of the most liberal, accepting parishes, and I am so proud to be a part of them.
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