May 16, 2008 13:56
Today it's a beautiful 85 degrees out, my friend Kerri is visiting from home, and I am stuck at work. I can't concentrate, because I just want to be hanging out with her at the pool at my complex, or maybe at the beach.
I was thinking this morning about how sometimes, very rarely, I will encounter a good driver on the road. Someone who, if they're making a left at a light where there is one lane, will pull all the way over so that people turning right can get through, someone who knows how to effectively change lanes and doesn't drive as though their car has only first gear, someone who pays attention to when the light changes and promptly accelerates off the line. It is during times like that when I think, "I would like to high five that person and always drive with them in traffic." I think there should be a "Good Drivers" club. Good drivers should be rewarded. It's not a fully-developed plan, but I'm just thinking about how much happier my day is when I encounter those people, and I think there needs to be an incentive or at least a bonus system for those skilled souls.
Likewise, there should be a demerit system for anyone who drives under the speed limit, intentionally in your blind spot, or anyone that has stuffed animals in their rear window. It's never just one, either, it's always like, 20 different colored bears or something. What is that?
Also, while I'm on the topic of driving, I cannot STAND idiots in pickup trucks that try to hot rod race me. Sorry, but I'm just trying to get to work. I apologize that you have such a fragile ego that you need to feel like your big ugly pickup truck (usually with a sticker of that little spiky haired Calvin pissing on a ford or chevy symbol, depending) is an extension of your manhood. Or maybe you're just really short. Either way, your truck is not faster than my car, and you just look like a loser when you sit there at the light, revving your engine and I still beat you off the line. Have a nice day.