Brand names

May 04, 2008 02:21

Hmm, first LiveJournal post. I don't particularly have anything pithy to say, and as usual, all I can think of is a mall-related story. I had 15 things on my "Important Things To Do" list today, and the only thing I accomplished was going to the mall and contemplating buying a pair of $150 Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses. Suffice it to say, that was not to be found anywhere between "do laundry" and "fill out passport application." Somehow I resisted the lure of sexy but ridonculously priced brand-name glasses and opted instead for two pair of extremely-cheaper-but-slightly-less-sexy knockoffs from a Korean lady at a mall kiosk. So many options for the budget-conscious responsibility avoider! Oh mall, how I love thee. But I really kinda wanted the $150 pair, so I drowned my sorrows in sushi and tequila and now my belly hurts, hence the being up at 2:30 in the morning farting around on the internets, trying to figure out how LJ works. And just in case anyone thinks I finally joined for more classy reasons, I pretty much just joined for better access to smut. Thank you and good night. 
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