Apr 20, 2005 15:45
Name:Kelsey Miller
Birthdate:Decemeber 4th 1991
[x] Birthplace: Sterling whites
[x] Current Location: sterling whites
[x] Eye Color: greean
[x] Hair Color: brown w// blonde highlights
[x] Righty or Lefty: Lefty
[x] Zodiac Sign: sagitarious?<--idk how to spell
[x] Innie or Outtie: innie
[x] The shoes you wore today: my ghetto phat farms
[x] Your fears: Death..spiders..the girl from ring 2..tvs...and chinese and japanese people
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
[x] Your most overused phrase on aim: OmG
[x] Your thoughts first waking up: um..idk tell u 2 morrow
[x] Your best physical feature: u tell me;)
[x] Your bedtime: whenevr i pass out
[x] Your most missed memory: all my firends that go to shelby jr. high
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
[x] Pepsi or coke: Coke
[x] McDonald's or Burger King: Micky D's
[x] Adidas or Nike: both
[x] Chocolate or vanilla: both
[x] Cappuccino or coffee:...aren't they the same?
-----------------DO YOU------------------
[x] Smoke: No never will
[x] Cuss: yeah
[x] Have a crush(es): yeah
[x] Who are they: NICK VENTIMIGLIA
[x] Do you think you've been in love?: Yeah
[x] Want to go to college: yeah..
[x] Like high school: umm not that old
[x] Want to get married: yes
[x] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: wtf r right keys?
[x] Believe in yourself: Not always
[x] Get motion sickness: no i don't think
[x] Think you're a health freak: No never
[x] Get along with your parents: sumtimes depends
[x] Play an instrument: Noppers
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU------------
[x] Go to the mall: of course who hasn't?
[x] Eaten sushi: i don't like SEAFOOD or FIsh or nethinng gross like that
[x] Been on stage: no
[x] Been dumped:ya :/ but we r back together:)
[x] Gone skating: Yeppers
[x] Made homemade cookies: no
[x] Dyed your hair: uhh no
[x] Stolen anything: never
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
[x] Flown on a plane: yep twice
[x] Missed school because it was raining?: i tired but i didn't work
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: Ya
[x] Cried during a Movie?: yes
[x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: sure lol
[x] Cut your hair: my sister cutted mine like pnce or twice or three times..idk
[x] Had crush on a teacher?: Thats sick
[x] Been caught "doing something": it depends wat that "doing somthing" is..
[x] Been in a fight?: ya
[x] Shoplifted: nnnooooooo
-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
[x] Age you hope to be married: idk
[x] Numbers and Names of Children: A LOT... j/k!!
[x] Descibe your Dream Wedding: I don't know?.
[x] How do you want to die? : umm who thinks about that bsides old people
[x] What do you want to be when you grow up?:sumthin besides a garbage person
[x] What country would you most like to visit?: IDK
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
[x] Best eye color: doesn't matter
[x] Best hair color: Brown or blonde
[x] Short or long hair: either but not as long as to ur ears
[x] Best height: ummnegguys taller than me<-- never will happen
[x] Best weight: not really skinny but not sumo fat
[x] Best first date location: doesn't matter
[x] Best first kiss location: uhhh...;)
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
[x] Number of people I could trust with my life: hmm....7?
[x] Number of CDs that I own: like 70?<--somwhere around there..never really counted
[x] Number of piercings: 2
[x] Number of tattoos: none....[[yet]]mayb
[x] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: none i tink
[x] Number of scars on my body:prolly like 4
[x] Number of things in my past that I regret: hmmm...not counting
[x] Shampoo: tresemma<--idk how to spell or Pro-v
[x] Fav Color(s): orange and pink
[x] Day/Night: both ;)
[x] Summer/Winter: summer
[x] Lace or Satin: um...w/e
[x] Fave Cartoon Character: no clue
[x] Fave Food: pizza and mickey d's fries!!!
[x] Fave Movies: Idk..funny ones..i guess
[x] Fave sport: soccer or volleyball
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
[x] Wearing: Jeans and abercrombie & fitch brown collar poper
[x] Drinking: nuttin.
[x] Thinking about: nick
[x] Listening to: downloaded music
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
[x] Cried: yeah this morning
[x] Met someone: yes sir
[x] Drove a car: uhhh.. no..i wouldn't be living if i did
[x] Talked on the phone: yeppers
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
[x] Your friends: yeah sum
[x] Santa Claus: yeah i did until like 5th grade..he was a good man
[x] Tooth Fairy: the tooth fairy is mean and 4got my tooth one nite!!
[x] Destiny/Fate: yes
[x] Angels: yes
[x] Ghosts: yeah they r in my basement at nite...i thiink
[x] UFO's: no they r too scary
[x] God: yeah
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
[x] Do you ever wish you had another name?:yeah
[x] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?:YES
[x] Do you like anyone?:yes
[x] Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: umm...idk
[x] Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Ms.ALyssa Wood
[x] Are you close to any family member?: my whole family on my mom's side is tight
[x] Who do you hang around the most?: Rach.. Jaimie.. khalia.. shleby.. jeremy..nick
[x] When have you cried the most: when my uncle died
[x] What's the best feeling in the world?:to know sum1 loves me and love them bak
[x] Worst Feeling?:knowing sum1 is mad at me
[x] What time is it now?: 4:09
[x] - What was the last memorable book you read?: i don't really read
[x] - When did you last dance?: Valentines day
[x] - Whats the last thing you want to hear from your parents?:my mom died and that my dad is still living..or i have to go live w// my father
[x] - When did you last do your ironing?: a long time ago my mom irons
[x] - When was the last time you smiled all day?: b4 the ortho appointment
[x] - What color socks do you normally wear?: White
[x] - Have you ever attended a private school?: no
[x] - Do you like stuffed animals?: Yes
[x] - Have you ever smashed pumpkins?: yeah
[x] - Do you read labels when shopping for food?:no my mom shops for food
[x] - Can you quote Shakespeare?: wat???
[x] - Do you like playing baseball?: ya w// jeremy and kyle but i suck
[x] - Are you a neat freak?: no not really
[x] - What is the worst injury you have ever given someone?: kicked i a guy in the spot really hard..if that counts??
[x] - Do you ever eat lemons plain?: once w// sugar on it
[x] - Have you ever fired a gun?:um....i think
[x] - Do you own any knee-high boots?: lmao ya..my mom does
[x] - Are you attached to extreme people?: wtf does that mean?
[x] - Do you like swimming in lakes?:sure i guess..but it is really dirty
[x] - Have you ever streaked at a football game or any other public event?: no butthat would b fun..j/k
[x] - Have you gone on any blind dates?: no
[x] - Has someone done something extra nice for you?: yeah
[x] - Have you ever been lost in a bad part of a city?:no.. but i have been lost a millions of times
[x] - Would you rather have a mint or fruit flavored gum?: fruity-licious
[x] - Have you ever eaten grass?: yeah when i was 4 becuz sum1 told me it taste like wtermelon
[x] - Do you ever eat food right out of cans or jars?: no
[x] - Has your mind ever gone blank?: yeah most of the time
[x] - Are you kind?: kind wat???
[x] - Would you give a needy person the shirt off your back?: no not if i just had my bra on..i would neeed another shirt under it
[x] - Do you have any beanie babies?: yes a lot but they r on holder downstairs on a shelf
[x] - Would you rather be hot or cold?: HOtt
[x] - Is the glass half full, or half empty?: empty?
[x] - Do you exercise or work regularly?: sure...i tink