Okay. I just need to get this in writing somewhere before it actually happens.
Here are my predictions for my new obsession 'Elementary'. If you aren't all caught up (or don't watch it), you should probably stop reading now.
Show: Elementary
Why I love it: Snarky, requires thinking, tension, realistic, funny, accents, historically accurate, MADE OF WIN.
How caught up I am: I'm on Episode 15 of 17, I believe? I'm about to catch up though...
Prediction as of Season 1, Episode 12-"M": When Watson lies to Sherlock about his father's approval of her staying with him longer I was like - o.O OH MY GOD, Sherlock hired her in the first place and not his father! There's all sorts of hints if not flat out admissions from Sherlock that his father doesn't really care, or would never actually meet up with Watson, and Watson is always contacted via email or a secretary, etc. Like, who knows if he's even alive/exists...Sherlock is a master manipulator and totally capable of giving Watson the run around, even as he openly tries to get her not to leave. I think he's totally playing two games with her - One obvious, one much more subtle. Either way, there's going to be a big blow up - either when she finds out he's tricked her, or he finds out she lied in order to stick around him.
And I'm going to love every minute of it.
EDIT: Hmmm...lol I just caught up. Sherlock did find out she lied but he wasn't mad. I'm still suspicious of the whole father's involvement though....