
May 24, 2011 22:09

Started my internship yesterday. Day 1 required me to drive 2 hours to headquarters by 7am. Fun.

Day 2 (Today) was actually pretty fun. In a brain-stressing sort of way. Here, meet 50 people. And their nick names. Here is our organizational process which includes like 500 reference #'s/codes. Here are the real life applications of everything you have ever heard of in any of your 4 years of college. Oh and here are some political debates and general ranting about how working for the state/gov't blows.

Can you say, 'smile and nod'?

Oh, and did I mention we lost our electricity last night? Luckily it came back on 23 and 1/2 hours later.............

Let's just say: Work is killing the muse dead.

random: well that's different, random: my life as a grown up, random: epic!fail, random: making moolah

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