[ARCHIVE//HP] “Wa’ew Em Gereh: Gereh-Neb Netjer, Key Ni Bin”, Chapter 3

Dec 16, 2003 17:26

Disclaimer: Didn’t I already tell you I didn’t own Harry Potter? Sheesh...

Author’s Note: It’s here! What is possibly the most crucial part of the story has arrived! Another BIG thanks to my best-est buddy and Beta Ael L. Bolt! By the way, I think y’all should know two things: 1) Luna Lovegood will NOT be appearing in this. She’s too weird for my tastes, and 2) Harry’s middle name is “Orion” in this universe, not “James”. I thought “James” was a bit... unexciting. ^^;;; Anyway, on with the story~! - DJP

“When the evening falls
And the daylight is fading
From within me calls
Could it be, I am sleeping?
For a moment I stray
Then it holds me completely
Close to home, I cannot say
Close to home, feeling so far away...

As I walk the room
There before me a shadow
From another world
Where no other can follow
Carry me to my own
To where I can cross over...
Close to home, I cannot say
Close to home, feeling so far away...”
- “Evening Falls...” by Enya

“Wa’ew Em Gereh: Gereh-Neb Netjer, Key Ni Bin”

Chapter 3 - Attack in the Night

Harry didn’t go to bed in Gryffindor Tower on Saturday night. Instead, he wandered up to the empty Astronomy Tower to mull over things and ponder the recent events. He sat at the edge, staring at the clear, starry night, a cold breeze ruffling his hair.

It’s funny, Harry thought. I’m back where I belong. Hogwarts has always felt like home to me... but... why doesn’t it feel like home anymore? Why do I feel so... out of place?

These questions haunted him as he stared up at the starry night sky, musing to himself, lost in his own thoughts.
* * *
Gerehkhered stood on a higher tower of Hogwarts castle, looking down on the handsome, raven-haired boy sitting on top of the Astronomy Tower. She’d been watching him ever since Janna Sentare, one of her fledglings, had seen him in Diagon Alley. The boy, Harry Potter, reminded Gerehkhered of her Sire. He looked almost exactly like him…

Gerehkhered smirked, her inch-long fangs glimmering in the moonlight, amethyst eyes shining with barely suppressed ambition. She leapt, landing with a soft THUD on the flagstone surface of the tower. She relished in the smell of the boy, and approached him silently…
* * *
Harry perked his head up. He’d thought he’d heard a noise sounding from behind him. But he saw nothing upon looking behind him. When he turned around, however, he saw Filch, and let out a small gasp. He attempted to pull the Invisibility Cloak over himself before Filch caught sight of him, but before he could, something grabbed him from behind, placing a clawed hand over his mouth, and snarling at Filch, who dashed away.

Harry heard a soft laugh in his ear. “Quiet, my young one,” a feminine, Egyptian-accented voice said. “This won’t hurt a bit…”

What the voice had said could hardly be any farther from the truth. Harry forced back a yell of surprise and pain as he felt two fangs pierce his neck. He struggled, but the vampire was far too strong. He felt his blood, his life force draining from him. She was going to kill him…

The sensation stopped. Barely alive, barely able to see properly, Harry felt the vampire force him around. He saw glimmering violet eyes, long brown hair, a smooth, feminine face… The woman smiled and lifted her wrist, cutting across a vein with one sharp claw. A blackish liquid flowed freely from the cut, and she forced Harry’s mouth against the cut.

It was all Harry could do to take the blood she offered. He knew what would happen, what it would do to him, but he didn’t want to die…

When she drew her wrist away from him and let go, he fell to the ground, and with the last of his consciousness, heard her say words in some strange language…

“Mi netjer ne gereh
A’nekh en neb-reh
Meri en senef
Khet ne gereh, ne khewew
Seki, key a’nekh her
Hepet gereh…”

Then Harry felt his heart stop, and fell into oblivion.
* * *
Gerehkhered watched the fallen Harry Potter for a few moments. He was hers now… Perhaps now she could forget the betrayal that destroyed all she had lived for… She stepped onto the battlements, and then into the air, falling downwards and landing without a noise on the grounds.

She ran off into the night.
* * *
Argus Filch ran down into the dungeons and into Snape’s chambers, waking the sleeping Potions Professor in the process.

“What is it, Argus?” Severus mumbled.

“A vampire has broken into the castle!” Filch said, panicking. Severus’s eyes went wide: he was obviously fully awake now. He leapt up.


”The Astronomy Tower…! hurry…!”

The two ran back upstairs. Filch’s eyes went wide as he saw a body lying on the ground.

It was the limp and lifeless form of Harry Orion Potter, with two bleeding pinpricks in his neck.

“Get Dumbledore,” Severus said, staring down at the body.
* * *
Translation for Khemetic:

“Like a god of the night
Live for eternity
Lust for blood
Creature of night, of evil
Die, but live on
Embrace the night”

Before anyone asks how I know Ancient Egyptian, I’m the OBSESSED’UN when it comes to Ancient Egypt.

&format:tense:past, -genre:action/adventure, +warning:alternate universe, *character:hp:remus lupin, &format:pov:3rd person, *character:hp:severus snape, *character:hp:ron weasley, -genre:urban/modern fantasy, *character:hp:weg:janna sentare, %fandom:harry potter, *character:hp:minor characters, !post:archive, +warning:original characters, @type:fiction, +warning:fic series, *character:hp:weg:gerehkhered, $ship:hp:harry/cho, *character:hp:cho chang, *character:hp:harry potter, +warning:het/straight romance, *character:hp:hermione granger, -genre:gothic/dark fantasy, *character:hp:argus filch

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