[Muse ’Verse] “Your Judge, Jury, and Executioner”

Sep 28, 2009 11:20

Title: “Your Judge, Jury, and Executioner”
Fandom: Muse ’verse (even though, like “Oops?”, the muses themselves don’t appear.)
Author: darkjediprinces
Feedback: …is a combination of crack, heroin, and any other highly addictive drug you can think of.
Rating: PG-13/T
Word Count: 490
Prompt #: Song Prompts #34: “Hunter”
Characters: darkjediprinces, martyfan, and a certain classmate of DJP’s who shall remain nameless for the moment.
Pairings: None.
Warnings: Violence and swearing.
Summary: martyfan wreaks bloody vengeance on behalf of darkjediprinces.
Claimer: I’m fairly sure Ael and I belong to ourselves, and that this classmate belongs to himself as well.
Author’s Notes: This was inspired by a recent incident with a classmate of mine, and one comment from martyfan (in response to nauseating misogyny) that amused me:


Probably a good thing you hid the evidence because I want to go after this guy and give him what-for.

...I'm your hit-woman, aren't I.

And thus, this was born. :) Enjoy!

“Your Judge, Jury, and Executioner”

A young man sat in the deserted outdoor student common area, working on a doodle in a notebook. Twilight had long since fallen, and he was just beginning to consider going home when a flash of light and the sound of steel rasping against steel interrupted his thoughts. He turned in the direction of the noise and light and froze.

It was a very odd sight that greeted him. A young woman, five-foot-three at the very most, with grey-blue eyes, glasses, and short, wavy dirty blond hair stood there, a smirk on her face making her seem somehow more… evil than she might’ve normally. She wore loose boys’ shorts, sneakers, and a baggy, black T-Shirt that bore the words “HELL, MICHIGAN” on the front. A khaki-coloured KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD baseball cap topped off the outfit. But this-the sight of an apparent Michiganite in Austin, Texas-was not the weirdest thing about her. What was most strange was the claymore she bore in her right hand, which had to have been, at the very most, an inch or two taller than the girl, or at least the same height as her.

“Eli Tanner,” she said in a flat, merciless tone. “For the crimes of Asshattery, Malicious Beligerence, Harrassment, and Insulting On of the Great Creators, you have been sentenced to immediate summary execution by the Hand of Millennia.” She raised the claymore with great ease, despite her tiny stature. “Got any last words before I cut your bullying head off?” she added, this time in a very cheerful manner.

“Uh, yeah. Where the Hell did you come from and what the fuck are you on about?”

She sighed, rolling her eyes. “On the evening of September 17th of this year, you committed the previously stated crimes against the Creator of Fictional Worlds known as Kat, or Dark Jedi Princess, or Millennium Angel. I am your Judge, Jury, and Executioner.” She grinned evilly. “In Musedom, you do not get a trial.”

He only had a moment to realize what she’d said when she cleanly cut his head off with the claymore.

The woman wiped the blade clean with a satisfied grunt. “Watermark bigot is taken care of, Kat,” she said out loud. A girl with bright red hair, marred in places by streaks of peroxide white, appeared next to her.

“Most excellent, Ael,” the new arrival said, grinning. “We still have a couple of art thieves and several misogynistic Star Wars canon bigots to deal with. Take your pick.”

Ael’s face split into a wide smirk. “What was it that one guy said a year or so ago…? ‘No woman could ever hope to rule the galaxy that wisely’? I think I’ll come for him next.” Then she saluted Kat and disappeared in flash of blue light.

Kat’s face slowly split into a grin of her own, she cackled evilly before she, too, vanished, this time in a flash of violet.

&format:tense:past, ~challenge:song prompts:response:fiction, @type:challenge:response, +warning:oneshot, -genre:action/adventure, *character:rl:darkjediprinces, @type:fiction, +warning:original characters, -genre:comedy/humour, &format:pov:3rd person, *character:rl:martyfan, +warning:gen/no romance, &format:narrator:3rd-non-omniscient, %fandom:millennia fanfiction

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