[Archive, AtLA/SG-1] "Through the Looking Glass, Part I: Becoming", Prologue & Chapter 1

Sep 30, 2007 20:44

Disclaimer: Avatar: the Last Airbender belongs to Michael Dante Dimartino and Bryan Konietzko. Stargate SG-1 belongs to Roland Emmerich, Dean Devlin, Brad Wright, and Jonathan Glassner. I’m just borrowing their characters and playing with them. I’ll return them… erm, slightly undamaged? ^_^;;

Author’s Note: Ever since I first saw AtLA, this idea has been swimming around in my head. Since my muses can’t seem to shoo the Plot Gizka away, we’re going ahead with it.

So. Welcome to what is probably the world’s first Avatar/Stargate crossover. I’m still in the process of planning this as I write it. What I do know is that it will be a three-parter, with the last two parts taking place mostly on Earth. And it will be majorly AU.

Also, most of the chapters will be written to match a FanFic100 prompt. Or, more accurately, Crossovers100.

So. Enjoy the prologue and first chapter.
     ::Dark Jedi Princess::

Title: “Through the Looking Glass, Part I: Becoming”
Author: Dark Jedi Princess
Category: Crossovers/Stargate SG-1/Avatar: the Last Airbender
Genre: Action/Adventure/Suspense/Fantasy/Science Fiction
Rating: PG-13
Reasons: Violence and some language
Timeframe: Mid-Season 7 (SG-1), “Crossroads of Destiny” onwards (AtLA-SPOILERS)
Summary: SG-1 open their first nine-chevron wormhole and get more than they bargained for when they end up in the middle of a world war, with no way of going home. But it’s not like they’d leave without helping. That would go against their conscience. Part 1 of 3.
Pairings: Katara/Aang, implied Jack/Sam, implied Dan/Jan.

Thoughts/Intro/Song Lyrics
Words on a screen/Handwritten on a page
Stressed/Emphasized Word(s)

Next Chapters:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Through the Looking Glass, Part I: Becoming


Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

I once found legends of another world where the people could control the four Elements. I used to think they were only stories... until my friends and I opened a gate to that world.

Now my whole world has changed. I have to learn the Elements too. And I have to help save their world... because I can’t, in good conscience, leave it without helping them.

* * *

Pain split through Zuko’s arm as the Dai Li agents threw him down a long hole. He had landed on his right bicep. It hurt. A lot.

“You’ve got a cellmate,” one of them remarked, before Earthbending the entrance closed.

Zuko sat up, dazed. The cave was lit dimly by jade crystals. And sitting at the other end of the cave was a young, dark-skinned woman with long, braided brown hair. He knew her. She’s one of the Avatar’s friends.

“Zuko,” she snarled, upon turning around and seeing him.

* * *

Chapter 1

“A clouded dream on an earthly night
Hangs upon the crescent moon
A voiceless song in an ageless light
Sings out the call of dawn
Birds in flight are calling there
Where the heart moves the stones
There that my heart is longing for
All for the love of you
-“The Mystic’s Dream”, Loreena McKennitt

Daniel Jackson yawned loudly as he walked into his lab on the 19th sub-level of the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. The previous night had been restless, filled with dreams of a war in a far off, probably-imaginary world.

People had died in that dream. Thousands of them. Geomancer(1) soldiers, dressed in green oriental-style robes, were repeatedly struck down by pyromancer(2) warriors in white skull-like masks and red and black armour.

And there had been one boy, no older than twelve, his head shaven and tattooed with a long, blue-white arrow, dressed in orange and yellow, who had stuck out at him. This boy lay in the arms of a young girl in blue, who cried as she realized he might not wake up.

The boy had been struck by lightning-Daniel knew this because at the moment the boy and girl had appeared together, he’d seen a woman with pitch black hair and yellow eyes strike him down with lightning from her fingertips-and it felt as though if the boy died, everything else would die with him.

Daniel pushed the dream from his conscious mind and sat down at his desk, his hand briefly passing over a jug of water sitting there. At first he thought he saw the water literally rise out of the jug to follow his hand, but when he checked, the water was perfectly still. Passing it off as a trick of the light, or as simple sleepiness, Daniel pulled a pile of photos over to him.

The photos were from SG-10’s most recent mission. They’d discovered a large temple they thought had belonged to the System Lord Yu, and wanted Daniel’s translation of the Chinese-like script painted into the murals on the walls.

Along with the photos, SG-10 had brought back some artifacts they’d found. One was a tightly bound scroll, which Daniel decided to look at first. Scanning the page, his mouth dropped open as he saw something he’d never even thought about before.

Nine-chevron travel? I need to find Sam.

* * *


“What’s up, Daniel?”

Sam Carter twisted around in her seat in front of one of the computers in the Observation Room at the SGC. Daniel stood behind her, his hands tucked into his pockets. “Well, you know how we opened a connection to another galaxy with eight chevrons when Jack got the knowledge of the Ancients put into his head?”


“Any idea what would happen if we used nine chevrons?”

Sam thought it over for a moment. “Well… if eight chevrons allows us to travel to other galaxies, one could conclude that nine chevrons allows travel to alternate realities,” she said, slowly.

“…Wow. The Ancients would be more advanced than I thought if that were the case,” Daniel muttered.

“Yeah, I wish we’d have a chance to test that theory, but-”

“Uh, Major?” One of the ‘Gate techs said, uncertainly. “I think we may have that chance. Come look at this.”

Sam and Daniel went over to the tech’s station. The tech pointed at his screen, where a ‘Gate address with nine symbols was displayed.

“…When did that get there?” Sam asked, bewildered.

“I don’t know. I was looking through them, and I spotted it, and… Well, I heard you and Dr. Jackson talking about nine-chevron travel, so…”

Sam and Daniel looked at each other. “What if this was one of the addresses Jack programmed in when he had the knowledge of the Ancients?” Daniel suggested.

“Somehow I doubt it, but it’s possible,” Sam said, shrugging. “The other possibility is that this was recently programmed in… Maybe we had an Ancient in here and weren’t aware of them. I mean, Ascended beings can be invisible, right?”

“Yeah, of course, the only question is… why? They’re not allowed to interfere.”

Sam shook her head. “We have to get General Hammond. This could be a… a wonderful opportunity.” She hurried off to retrieve the General. Daniel arched an eyebrow, then leaned against a wall.

Sam returned moments later with the General in tow. Hammond examined the address, then ordered a meeting in the briefing room-after much coaxing from Sam, of course. Daniel and Sam followed him up there, soon joined by Jack and Teal’c.

“Major,” General Hammond said, as soon as everyone was settled, “we’ve previously been dialing seven-chevron addresses, and, in one case, an eight-chevron. The eighth chevron required a huge power boost in order to establish a connection. If we dial a nine-chevron address, we could cut off the entire base’s power. And we don’t know exactly where we’d be sending you.”

“Sir, that’s what the MALPs are for, and we can install extra generators,” Sam said. “This is the opportunity of a life time. We’ll get to see one of the alternate realities that almost surely exist. It’s our only nine-chevron address. We should explore it when we get the chance, and… well, sir, we have the chance.”

“Hold it,” Jack said. “How did it get there?”

“That’s part of what I’m worried about,” General Hammond said, quietly. “It could’ve been put there with malicious intent.”

“Which is what the probe is for, sir,” Sam reiterated. “We send the probe through first to see if there’s any immediate threat, or maybe a UAV. If everything looks okay, we can go through and explore further.”

“Sam’s right,” Daniel said, “this is the opportunity of a life time.”

Hammond sighed. “Alright. But if anything looks suspicious, we lock the address out of the computer.”

* * *

“Looks okay so far,” Sam muttered, tapping several keys on the computer. Weeks after their initial briefing on the nine-chevron address, the SGC had had new power generators installed and prepared for a potential trip to an alternate reality. Now, Sam controlled the UAV they had just sent through the Stargate. Currently she was carefully navigating it through a large, stone temple, where the Stargate let out. Finally, it shot out of the temple and into a range of enormous mountains.

“Wow,” Sam breathed, as the UAV soared through the range and out over a sparkling ocean. The world’s sun was setting rapidly, turning the sky red, orange, and yellow. “It’s...”

“Beautiful,” Daniel said. Something about the images drew him to that world, as though he needed to be there. He reached out and touched the screen gently. “I feel like... I’ve been there before...” He muttered. Sam arched an eyebrow.

“It looks safe, sir,” Sam said after a moment, the UAV now soaring over smaller, grassier mountains. “Our only problem will be getting down the mountains, and that shouldn’t be too tough if we bring climbing gear

Hammond nodded. “Alright SG-1... you have a go.”

* * *

“Iiiii’m still not sure about this,” Jack said, anxiously, as they stood in front of the Stargate, preparing to step through.

“Jaaack,” Daniel chided quietly. “This is-”

“I know, I know, the opportunity of a lifetime,” Jack said, rolling his eyes. “Let’s just... get this over with.” They marched up the ramp and stepped through the wormhole, emerging on the other side into bitterly cold mountain air.

Daniel shuddered, a pain ripping at his forehead. Sam turned to him, worried; he barely heard her call his name, his vision whiting out rapidly.


Quite abruptly, all four were flung away in opposite directions, and the whole world went black.

* * *

(1) Geomancer: a being capable of manipulating the element of Earth at will.

(2) Pyromancer: a being capable of manipulating the element of Fire at will.

(The other two would be Hydromancer [Water] and Aeromancer [Air], if anyone’s wondering. :)

&format:tense:past, ^story:through the looking glass, +warning:chaptered, -genre:action/adventure, *character:atla:zuko, +warning:alternate universe, *character:sg-1:george hammond, -genre:science fantasy, *character:atla:katara, &format:pov:3rd person, %fandom:stargate:sg-1, -genre:drama, *character:sg-1:jack o'neill, -genre:high/pure fantasy, +warning:crossover, -genre:science fiction, @type:fiction, *character:sg-1:daniel jackson, +warning:fic series, *character:sg-1:teal'c, +warning:gen/no romance, %fandom:avatar - the last airbender, *character:sg-1:minor characters, *character:sg-1:samantha carter

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