[HP/Angel/WoD/DBFS] "In My Time of Dying" (1/6)

Jul 09, 2007 12:32

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. Vampire: the Masquerade belongs to Mark Rein-Hagen. Angel belongs to Joss Whedon. Dun own nothing. Except Zechiel.

Author's Notes: This is a little DBFS Side Story, regarding Harry's Embrace. Not too much to say other than that. Enjoy. :)
::Dark Jedi Princess::

Title:: “In My Time of Dying”
Author:: darkjediprinces
Fandom:: Harry Potter/World of Darkness/Angel
Rating:: R/M
Warnings:: Gore
Summary:: It was supposed to be just a night on the town with his friend. It turned into the worst nightmare he’d ever lived.
Characters:: Harry, Beckett, Zechiel, Lucius Malfoy, Erin, Angel, Serena, Olivia, Victoria, Bloodlines minor characters
Pairings:: None.
Timeframe:: 2006


Thoughts/Song Lyrics
Words on a screen/Handwritten on a page
Stressed/Emphasized Word(s)

In My Time of Dying
Chapter 1: Embrace

“Alles ist plötzlich so finster
Wir haben es schon immer gewusst
Wir irren durch die Zeit wie Dämonen
Am Ende bleibt doch nur der Verlust

Eine lange Nacht beginnt…”

“Everything is suddenly so dark
We always knew it
We wander through time like demons
In the end all that remains is loss

A long night begins…”
-“Entlassen”, Eisbrecher

The gleaming red eyes pierced Lucius Malfoy through to the core. He shivered. This so-called vampire assassin seemed more animal than man, yet it was a man-or something man-shaped-that sat in the chair opposite to him. He was unkempt, blond hair spiked up with hair gel, a style popular among American Muggles, wearing loose black clothes. A pendant swung from his next, pewter, engraved with a left-facing wolf’s head on top of an eight-spoked wheel of sorts.

The vampire stared at the photo in his hand, taking in every bit of detail he could find. “What’s your beef with this kid?” He asked.

“You don’t need to know that,” Lucius sneered, letting his cane fall with a loud THUMP on the worn carpet.

“If I’m asking, I need to know.”

“No, you don’t. You wouldn’t understand. From what I hear of your kind, they don’t really bother with mortal happenings.”

“The Kine-no offense meant, Mr. Malfoy, but that’s our word for humans-are unimportant to the organization I work with. They are no more than cattle to us. That, however, doesn’t change the fact that I need to know why I’m attacking this guy.”

“Revenge. That is all you need to know and you will not get any more.”

The vampire, Zechiel, sneered at him, bearing jagged teeth at the old wizard. “Fine then. We will discuss payment after the task is done.”

“Then do the task immediately,” Lucius said, dangerously. “And I want proof he’s dead. Bring it to me.”

Zechiel stood, his temper breaking rapidly. He did not like this human. Turning his back, he wordlessly mocked Lucius, before saying, “Proof that the great Harry Potter is dead. Understood.” He left without another word, slamming the door to the downtown apartment as he did.

The Beast Within squirmed as Zechiel’s anger rose to a peak. “Treat me like a servant, will he? We’ll see…”
* * *
“I can’t believe you’re trying to convince Angel to Change you,” Harry laughed. “Are you crazy?”

“Many argue that,” Erin answered, grinning slyly. Ever since coming to Los Angeles almost a year ago, Harry had been working with a paranormal Private Investigator named Angel to help him track down the last remaining Death Eaters, who had fled around the world in an attempt to hide from Aurors. Erin Sullivan, one of Angel’s employees, had been particularly helpful; she was a psychic, and had managed to help him pick out the auras of the Death Eaters hiding among the many Muggles littering the streets of the City of Angels.

Erin and Angel had also become something of an item recently. The problem was, Erin was mortal and Angel was a vampire. This was an issue they had been trying to work out for the past week or so, but couldn’t come up with a solution other than getting Angel to Turn Erin, which Angel was decidedly against; he didn’t appear to enjoy the thought of Changing humans, let alone a person he cared about deeply.

Harry was against it too. If Erin were to be Changed, she might lose her soul and therefore everything that made her… well, unique. He had come to care for the people he’d worked with; comraderie, or friendship, he didn’t know which it was, but in them he saw a kindred spirit. They, too, fought the darkness in everyone… Angel especially.

For the moment, however, they were taking a break from the usual. He and Erin were out on the town to enjoy themselves; Angel had personal things to take care of, and Mark (Mewtwo? Harry wondered. I’ve never seen one shift into the other, but they’re virtually the same being…), Erin’s mentor and teacher in the ways of the Psychic, was poking away at the work that was left to be done despite Erin’s urging him to take a break from it. The rest of Angel’s employees had gone home for the night.

They sat on a bench drinking a cup of coffee each, watching the myriad people wander past them. There was one man, in loose black clothing, with spiky blond hair, that unnerved Harry. He was pacing across the street from them, watching them closely.

“I think we’ve got a stalker,” Harry said, quietly, tapping Erin’s shoulder and pointing in the man’s direction.

Erin arched a thin eyebrow at him, blue eyes uncertain. She shut her eyes, sipping her coffee. A faint blue glow surrounded her as she extended her mind to the strange man’s. After no more than two seconds had passed, the glow faded and her eyes snapped open.

“I can’t get into his mind. He’s got a mental barrier stopping me.”

Harry eyed the man, who slunk into a dark alleyway and all but disappeared. “I think he noticed our interest.”

“To the trained mind, it’s easy to notice a mental probe,” Erin said, laughing and brushing a thin lock of black hair behind her ear. “I think he’s got a trained mind, and therefore noticed my mental probe. I can’t do everything, Harry. We all have limits.”

“Yeah, I know,” Harry sighed. “He was creeping me out, though.”

Erin drained the last bit of her coffee and stood up. “I’m gonna go grab some more. Be right back.” She hurried back over to the coffee stand they had visited moments before. Harry slumped down on the bench, feeling slightly uncomfortable out of his usual robes. Muggle clothes were all well and good, but he had come to prefer wizard’s robes over the years.

And then, before he could react, a hand clamped over his mouth and someone dragged him into the nearest alleyway. He tried to scream through said hand but his shouts were too muffled to be heard. His abductor threw him against the wall and pinned him there. It was the man that had been watching them earlier. He was grinning, showing jagged, uneven teeth and two long canines. The man lunged for Harry’s throat and bit down, hard; Harry started to scream but found his voice paralyzed.

“HARRY?!” Erin shouted, rushing over to the bench where he had been sitting just moments before. “HARRY!”

Weak, feeling his heart start to slow, Harry attempted to call out to her. “Er…”

The man sliced his wrist with a long claw and forced Harry’s mouth over the wound, letting the blood flow into it unopposed. He couldn’t resist. As the vampire let him go, he slid to the ground, passing out on the ground, everything going black.
* * *
Zechiel stood over Harry’s unconscious form, watching a vein twitch at his neck. He pulled out a camera and took a few pictures before tucking the device away, chuckling.

“Mr. Malfoy will never know he’s Embraced…” He told himself. “This will show him… Kine do not treat Kindred like servants. Ever.”
* * *

+warning:chaptered, -genre:action/adventure, ^story:in my time of dying, +warning:alternate universe, *character:wod:bs:olivia lafayette, -genre:drama, -genre:suspense/mystery, *character:btvs/angel:angel, *character:dbfs:erin sullivan, *character:wod:bs:victoria lafayette, *character:wod:beckett, +warning:crossover, *character:wod:bloodlines:minor, -genre:urban/modern fantasy, %fandom:world of darkness (old), ^story:turn around and face your fate, %fandom:harry potter, %fandom:buffy the vampire slayer/angel, -genre:horror, +warning:original characters, @type:fiction, ^story:dreams born fears subside, *character:wod:bs:serena lafayette, %fandom:crossover:multiple fandoms, *character:hp:harry potter, ^story:blood sisters, +warning:gen/no romance, -genre:gothic/dark fantasy

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