Fic: Rest, Angel (Cassie/Kara)

Aug 04, 2009 18:36

Title: Rest, Angel
Author: milleniumrex
Fandom: DC Universe
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Cassie Sandsmark/Kara Zor-El
Words: 427
Summary: Kara keeps watch over an unconscious Cassie.
Author's Notes: Written for my 10_hurt_comfort prompt table here, for the prompt "Unconscious". Shameless fluff, as is most of my stuff. :D

Kara allowed herself to exhale for the first time all day, since she'd gotten the call that Cassie had been injured in the battle with the cyclops that had torn up downtown Metropolis. She'd flown straight from Krypton to Earth, and was pretty sure she'd knocked a few meteors out of orbit along the way. She and Cassie had made their relationship work, thanks to her spending a lot of time on Earth in her secret identity, but she still hated being so far away from her most of the time. If she had been on Earth, where she belonged, with the girl she loved, maybe she could have helped. Maybe Cassie wouldn't be lying in their bed, beaten and unconscious.

The doctors said she'd be okay. Just a hairline fracture in her wrist, a few stitches in her scalp, and a minor head injury. But knowing how close it had been, how much worse things could have gone, made Kara never want to leave Cassie's side again.

Kara gently took Cassie's uninjured hand in hers, lifting it up and softly stroking it as her girlfriend slept in the bed unaware.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm not here enough, that I have to split my time between you and Krypton. I...I'm trying to find a balance, but it feels like I'm never here when I'm needed. I want to be a good daughter to my mother, and a good girlfriend to you, but it seems like you always get the short end of the stick."

Kara bent down and kissed Cassie's hand before laying it down. Suddenly, she felt the grip tighten slightly.


"....Hey, Kara."

"Oh, thank Rao you're up." Kara grinned and leaned in to kiss Cassie. "I was so worried. How are you feeling?"

"Like a Cyclops hit me." Cassie smiled weakly.

" much did you hear?"

"Enough. This isn't your fault, K. This stuff happens all the time in our field. Remember when you got shot in military training last month?"

"Yeah..." Kara's hand went to her shoulder as she remembered the pain. "Still..."

"I'm going to be fine, and you need to stop torturing yourself." Suddenly, Cassie put a hand to her forehead. "Woo."


"I'm - I'm fine. Just really tired."

Kara helped Cassie lie down and kissed her on the lips softly. "Rest. I'll be right here, watching over you."

Cassie drifted off to sleep again with a slight smile on her face. Kara ran her hands through her hair, grateful that her angel would be fine.

character: cassie sandsmark, fic, prompt table, character: kara zor-el, pairing: cassie/kara, femslash

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