Two More Mood Challenge Fics!

Jun 16, 2008 15:30

Title: Bat and Mouse
By: milleniumrex
Fandom: Batman
Characters: Cassandra Cain/Jason Todd
Summary: The game is afoot
Rating: PG
Word Count: 371
A/N: Written for greeneyelove, who requested Jason/Cass with Playful as the mood.

Jason knew it was never a good sign when he woke up alone. It usually meant only one thing - Cass wanted to play.

Cass' idea of hide and seek was different from most people's, and mostly consisted of her secreting herself away somewhere so hidden that even Indiana Jones would probably give up. At this point, Jason had to find her. But it wasn't that easy, oh no. He had to find her - and get the drop on her, before she could pounce on him. And there were stakes. And they were high. Jason had come to fear these little games of theirs. And also look forward to them immensely.

It was unlikely that Cass would be in the bathroom, as the hiding places were limited, so Jason showered and dressed before beginning his hunt. A little waiting might distract Cass just enough for him to win this round, he thought slyly.

Sipping his morning coffee, Jason kept his eyes peeled around the kitchen. Cass didn't cook, and yet she still somehow seemed to know every nook and cranny of the place better than he did. He had been pounced on from the cupboards, the top of the refrigerator, even from inside the refrigerator(really, that one was his fault. He should have noticed it was slightly ajar). But not this time. This time, for a change, he was going to get the better of her. Even if it took him all day.

She wasn't in any of her regular hiding places. Which probably meant she had at least ten more that he hadn't figured out yet. As Jason was musing on whether or not it was worth going up the stairs on the off chance she had found an alcove to hide in wait, the doorbell rang. Probably the mailman.

Jason opened the door, and was promptly knocked off his feet by what felt like a jungle cat leaping onto him. He looked up into Cass' grinning face.

"I win again."

"Not cool, babe. Waiting outside for me?"

Cass smirked. "Not in the rules. Totally fair."

Jason sighed. "So...breakfast in bed tomorrow?"

Cass giggled and leaned over, kissing Jason. She loved playing games. Especially when she won.

Title: Fountain of Youth
By: milleniumrex
Fandom: DC
Characters: Tim Drake/Cissie King-Jones
Summary: Cissie makes Tim feel young again
Rating: G
Word Count: 405
A/N: Written for lady_sarai, who requested Tim/Cissie with the mood being tender. This is set in an as-yet unfinished AU. Tim and Cissie are married, with two kids. Their adopted son, JT Drake, is 16 and currently enrolled in Grandpa Bruce's Robin training program. Their biological daughter, Janet, is 10. For this futurefic, Tim is currently 42, Cissie is 41.

"I'm going to die."

Cissie sat herself down at the side of the bed next to her prone husband. "Okay, I'm all ears. How did this happen?"

"I was supervising JT's training. It's gotten to the point where Bruce is satisfied with his agility and speed, and is now teaching him combat techniques. And you know Bruce and combat techniques. He's all about trial and error. Which according to Bruce, means you get thrown as many times as it takes until you learn how to dodge. I couldn't watch it anymore, so I asked to step in a second, just so I could show how it looks when it's done right. I thought JT might be able to get the hang of it once he saw me pull it off. Plus, I know how to land after a throw. At least I thought I did."


"Apparently not. I twisted something, felt my back go out, and had to be carried up from the Batcave by Alfred."

"How bad is it?"

"Bad enough to keep me off my feet for a few days and sore for a while after that. I can't believe I actually threw my back out while trying to show off for my son."

Cissie smiled. "Well, Tim, we're not exactly young anymore. It happens to the best of us."

Tim craned his head around to face Cissie. "Bruce is pushing 60, and I don't think he's thrown his back out once. Unless you count the time Bane did it for him."

"I know. But you're not Bruce. What he has in ridiculously good genes, you make up for in compassion and sanity. Let me see if I can help."

Cissie began gently kneading her hands into Tim's back.

"Careful, Ciss. You don't want to make it worse."

"I know my massage techniques, Tim. Just relax. I promise you'll feel better."

Cissie felt Tim's muscles relax under her hands. Even after almost twenty years of marriage, he was still as handsome as the day they'd met. Finishing up her massage, she leaned down and kissed the back of his head.

"That was amazing, Ciss. Feels like I could go down there and school the old man now."

"Not until Alfred clears you. And I'll be right here, getting you anything you need until then. And tying you down, if need be."

Tim grinned. "Just like old times, huh?"

"Some things never change."

fic, het, pairing: tim/cissie, character: jason todd, mood challenge, character: cissie king-jones, character: tim drake, character: cassandra cain, pairing: cass/jason

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