Oct 04, 2007 23:09
Malik's Constantly Expanding & Never Ending To-Do List:
1. Get back to Croatia DONE!
2. Pick up Yugi
3. Take Yugi and Zigfried to Egypt
4. Return Mariku to his body
5. Get Bakura and Ryou out of my house
6. Get Ryou into a hotel
7. Leave Bakura to live on the streets
8. Return to working at the museum
9. Find the Mongoose From Hell
10. Catch the Mongoose From Hell
11. Kill the Mongoose From Hell
12. Do research for Atem
13. Check on Dr. D's digsite
14. Leave Yugi with Dr. D
15. Go to Germany with Zigfried
17. Come back from Germany
18. Work my ass off at the museum to make up for the money I didn't earn while I was gone
19. Help save the world from a terrible evil that will probably appear around this time
I really want to know how I got myself into this...