Apr 27, 2008 20:49
It's been ages since I've posted here, and I find myself sort of blank on what to say!
The holidays were quite the rollercoaster as my mom, who had been in bad health for a while, died right after Christmas. I moved. I helped my daughter move. I may be moving again. I got a promotion at work. I took on some offline obligations that take up time I used to spend in online pursuits.
I have tried to skim the f'list from time to time, just to keep up with what's going on with online friends, as well as various and sundry interesting journals and blogs. I'm not really feeling the fannish love for anything these days, though. I haven't watched a single episode of this season's SGA. Mostly when I watch TV I watch PBS or true crime stuff or HGTV. (But I've gotta tell ya, old slashers never die -- since I've become an HGTV hound I'm wondering if anyone's written any Electricity/Propane slash....)
Anyway, I'm still alive! And I want to be more active on LJ (or, if an exodus took place while my attention was elsewhere, find out where everyone's gone and be more active there). I've missed you guys!!