if it were you & me tonight, i would tame the stars and save the brightest one for you...

Apr 17, 2006 13:13

hope everyone had a happy easter!
mine was just an ordinary day but i cant complain
i got to work with my favorite people:
emily, greg, kyle, patrick, mary, and lucy
they made the day even better..
even tho emily left me at 3:00.. that whore.. haha just kidding i love her
but kyle stayed 2 hours later then he was schedule and closed with me :-)
what a nice guy..=)

it's crazy how much more of a big deal holidays are when you're younger
now it just seems like another day..
i used to get so excited for candy and the "easter bunny"
but now its just like whatever..
i guess those things aren't as important to me anymore
now my life is about school and work
and i can't really complain
tho i miss the naivity of being young
i wouldn't ask for anything else than what i have now
i have great people in my life
i'm blessed to have them
i'm blessed to work with such amazing people
where i actually enjoy going to work everyday
i'm truly lucky and happy with where im at

i wish that i didn't have to leave in 4 months
i don't wanna leave my friends or people from work behind
i don't want to be forgotten.. i think thats my worst fear
i don't see myself liking being away at college
i'm going to miss the routine that i have now:
wake up, go to school all week, work a couple days during the week, go to sleep, wake up on saturday and go to work with my favorite people in the world, come home, go to sleep, wake up and go back to work with my favorite people in the world
i'm going to miss all the people i work with
i just wonder what its going to be like when im not there
is it going to be better? or worse?
i don't know
all these things have me worried about leaving
i'm going to miss them sooo much
i really wish they could all come up to school with me
but i know thats unrealistic becasue they have their own school
i just dont want to leave them.. they make me happy.. :'(
leaving makes me sad
i think im going to like ball my eyes out the last day i get to work..
not even kidding
im going to miss them, but i gotta do this
it's my future.. as much as i would like to just stop now and just stay where im at, i can't
it's sad but its gotta be done sooner or later

if/when i don't like it.
whether it be because i dont know anyone there,
i have a backup plan for 2nd semester,
i'm going to transfer to Grand Valley where like everyone is going
and i'm going to room with Stacey..
so hey if it doesnt work out at state, i have a Plan B







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