"Face of the Enemy" Webisode 4 Transcript

Dec 22, 2008 17:12


Lt. Felix Gaeta, a casually dressed unnamed Eight (referred from now on simply as “Eight”), Lt. J. “Shark” Finnegan, Ensign “Easy” Esrin, Specialist Brooks

Pilot!Eight Cylon has just died from electrocution while trying to repair the Raptor’s malfunctioning carbon dioxide scrubbers.

Brooks: I was just doing that! I was doing the same thing!

Eight: Look at her pliers.

Gaeta: (examines them) The insulating grip has been stripped off. Who did this? (Looks around at the others. No one replies.)

Shark: (grabbing the pliers from Gaeta and examining them): Old as frak. Grip wore off.

Eight: Or someone didn’t like the idea of a machine breathing their air.

Brooks: Fine. Look, those are mine. I was the one who was supposed to get killed.

Eight: Unless you were the one who did it. I mean, what you didn’t notice bare metal?

Brooks: What are you saying?

Shark: Guys, we're using up air.

Brooks: Are you accusing me? Because…

(Everyone freaking out, talking at once, nothing intelligible.)

Gaeta (shouting): Shut the frak up! (Turns to Eight.) It was an accident! (pause, turns back to rest of crew) What are we gonna do with her?

Eight: Jettison her.

(Everyone looks shocked.)

Eight: We have to. We can pull the air into our tanks and open the door.

Shark: No. We’d lose air.

Eight: Only a little. She’s gonna start giving off methane and hydrogen soon.

Esrin: That's heartless.

Gaeta: No, no, she’s right. We gotta get rid of the body. Then we can figure out what to do next. (Thinks a moment, makes a decision.) Flight suits. (He and Eight begin pulling out flight suits and helmets and handing them to people.)

Eight: (whispering to Gaeta) I have an idea how to get us home. I need your help.

Gaeta: (whispering) What? What do you mean?

Eight: (whispering)I’ll tell you when they’re asleep. Trust me, okay?


Gaeta, Unknown Eight

We see a closeup shot of Gaeta writing down names and apparent i.d. numbers on that previously-seen piece of lined paper. Eight is watching him do it. Looks up at her.

Gaeta: This list? So many of these people I haven’t seen in a long time. (Shakes his head worriedly) They may already be...Gods. (puts hand to forehead in distress)

Eight: The Ones. They keep good records. If somebody’s locked up, I can find them. I can get them out.

(Gaeta doesn’t answer or meet her gaze.)

Eight: We can do this.

(Gaeta looks at her dubiously and sighs, then goes back to writing. She puts her hand on his hand in a comforting gesture.)

Eight: Really.

(Gaeta looks up at her with a mixture of hope and doubt.)


Lt. Hoshi, Lt. Margaret “Racetrack” Edmondson

We see exterior shot of Raptor taking off from Galactica launch bay, close up view of Hoshi and Racetrack inside the Raptor..

Racetrack: (to Hoshi) Buckle in, L-T. Let’s go hunting.

(Raptor takes off into open space.)


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