Apr 28, 2008 17:17
I keep getting told that my Japanese teacher must really like me since she always lets me take care of things late, but I still feel horrible about it. I don't know why she would like me; I don't know why she gives me so many opportunities. Is it because she knows that I really am sick? I don't know... I just have about and night and a 1/2 of homework left to catch up on. *GO CAT, GO!!!!!!*
I got some Glay music and am in love. They do such a different mix of styles that it never gets boring to me. (Lol - I totally only wanted their music because it's Ikuta Toma's favorite band *creepy much?*)
I have to finish Erynn's birthday gift (several months late), and Stephen's. Waaaaaaaa.... what kind of Japanese major has their birthday close to finals??? OMG... sudden panic attack... Like, finals is next week.... *cries*
Just read an article on bed bugs... it was interesting but kind of stupid. Our ancestors didn't give a rat's arse about bed bugs, so why should we? It's because we're clean freaks that allergies is become and epidemic (mind you that's just a theoretical perspective on the outburst and increasing amount of people with allergies.
Anyway... once my laundry finishes, I'm nappy, going to study group until 12, coming home, and working on my homework until Tuesday where I'll catch a ride with my friend, nap, go to classes, wait until 5, go home with my sis, and studying my arse off for my oral final, sleep at about 2, get up at 8, hitch a ride from my sister (hopefully), go to class, take the oral @ 12:30, go to work at 2, come home at 8:30, sleep until 2 or 6, get up and finish homework for my classes and study, go to class, wait until 5, go home and nap, maybe go to study group.... Oo Please freaking shoot me now.