Hey a chapter!
Last time in Chim-Chim-Cheree: Jordan grew up; Elphetta kept fighting and not fighting, it was confusing, make up your mind, girls; Nash the maid was attracted to the microwave; Chlorine was born; Sculptures went missing; Crazybat's simself died :( ; Jetta, Elphaba and surprisingly Cocaine grew up and there was a party for Flamingo.
Last time there was confusion with the portraits. It happened again. Thankfully, I had saved a sim from a savegame with the portraits in her inventory so I could save most of them. I lost all the kids' portraits and Elphie and Jetta ones.
This is where I noticed how skinny Flamingo is. Eat boy! EEEEAAT!
Meanwhile Chlorine is being a typical toddler.
Oh look.. Coke is about to master sculpting.
And there we go.
DO tell me if I forgot a skill.
He has mastered 15 skills!
But life in a legacy does flow on.
His father may have mastered all skills but Flamie still has his ways to go.
Have the girls made up then.. finally?
Here are the repainted portraits of green.
But now.. time for the littlest lime to grow up!
Clorine: Why all the patterns! Usually you just paint the clothes the proper colour and you're done.
I like her. She deserves patterns!
And she's pretty!
Chlorine rolled Vegetarian.
Chlrone: Cut it out now.
Coke creates the topiary panda!! Whoooo!
First thing our Eccentric Vegetarian does is work some on her inventing skill.
Within MINUTES, she creates.. I think I named him Angel.
Chlorine: You should be careful with that chainsaw uncle.
How cool is this kid!? She was born being able to salute, thanks to her military-chick mother.
Squirtle: She has respect for her elders, I like her.
Squirtle is like 99 years days old now.
So naturally he misses his lovely wife.
Squirtle: Hey baby, you're my girl!
Cass: Oh honey!
Squirtle: Cassidy :D
That's just.. aww.
Flamingo: Hey Nick?
Nick: yeah?
Flamingo: You know.. my mum and dad's great love story started by the mailbox.
Nick: What are you trying to say?
Flamie: Omg, we're both super-geniuses! We'll be best friends!!!
Boys will be boys.
Cherry: Nobody ever plays with me :(
Chlorine: I'd sit there but I can't, there's a cute boy in the way.
Chlorine: I was thinking of cute boys and you came to mind, love.
Chlorine: What do you MEAN who am I?
Chlorine: I'm Chlorine Chimeree. we met in school, of course you know-- hello?
Flamie: Welp, I'm just gonna walk that way for a while.
Nick: So he just left me here in the company of his nerdy loser sister?
Cherry: Nobody ever tells me I'm a star!
Cherry: I am seriously uncool. So unfair.
I kind of love her.
I kind of love everyone apart from Key Lime Pie. I often forget he exists.
Vireo: Hey handsome, how about a flirt interaction, eh?
Nick: Uhm >:(
Nick: I'm TAKEN. Don't touch me.
Vireo: Oops, I didn't know, do forgive me!
Nick: Well if you ask nicely..
Elphie: Jetta! That's quite enough!
Perhaps, they're not over their fights just yet.
Nick: I'm leaving -_-
Flamie: I've got it!
Flamie: I'm awesome.
Jetta: Hug ti--
Elphie: No way, Jet-tay!
Jetta: Why not?
And then I decided Elphie needed a make over.
New hair brings new affection!
Coke: I have mastered all skills, what is my life now?
Your children? Your wife?
The father.
The son.
They look alike without being copies.
I like them.
Squirtle is 100 now. When will he die?
Faye.. is "seeing" the ex-maid Nazar!
Flamie: Ew, what stinks?
Uh.. you.
Cherry: Naash! Why haven't you called me back!?
Nash: Stop calling me, stalker!
Cherry: I love you?
There are some pictures I can't remember why I took. It's like I'm trying to make it look like things actually happen, when they don't. The game's been boring me lately.
Chlorine: I want to be puff and awesome, like mumma!
Elphie: Good for you.
Btw, I found out that Meadow is a lesbian too! Ahww!
More pointless pictures, whoo!
The new maid.. Turlough Star is a little bitch.
You saw that meal Coke was about to make in the last picture? Well.. Coke left to use the toilet for a moment and Turlough here cleaned up the unfinished meal. COKE WAS GOING TO FINISH THAT AND EAT IT, because he is hungry. DOUCHE.
Chlorine: Can you say that? There may be children reading this!
Children should not be on the internet. They should be playing with lego blocks and colouring.
Hey look it's Nick. Not sure why he's in formal.
Nick: Music?
Elphie: I see you there boys.
Nick: Huuh?
Flamie: Yeah that's my aunt, don't mind her.
Elphie: Oh I see.
Elphie: Yay, the boy has found love!
Elphie: why can't it be one of my kids?
Nick: So yeah..
Flamie: Right.. I thought you said to Vireo that you're taken?
Nick: By you, yes.
I love his face on this.
Nick: I'll see you soon, Flamie.
Flamie: My life is empty when you're gone.
Observe the others standing there doing nothing in the last two pictures. That's how little I cared about everyone else at the time.
Jetta and Elphaba are doing okay on their careers. Elphie mastered charisma so all she needs to do is get cash.
Jetta is a fighter pilot.
I think Elphie became a mayor.
Vireo.. does whatever she wants, which apparently is martial arts.
Abandoned fishing has she?
I held a fund-raiser.. which I apparently didn't take any pictures of.
Leo decides it's in everyone's best interest for him to die at the party.
Gee thanks.
Jordan: Goodbye person I could have known!
Jetta: How unfortunate..
Flamie: :D
Daphne: Yes, yes! Exactly as I planned!
Adam: WHAAAAT!? it isn't a Chimeree dying, why am I here?
Ha, tricked you, fool!
Squirtle: The truth is Daph, the only reason we invited you is because I had to deliver you that painting.
Chlorine: :)
That's precious.
Daphne: So how about you and I..
Squirtle: How about not. My wife may be dead but she still lives with us.
Faye died D:
MAYOR. That's so cool.
Meanwhile Jetta struggles to keep up with the skills she has to master.
Coke: Fuck gravity, I'm Cocaine Chimeree.
Turlough: Hey baby, how about I get you a bouquet of roses?
The... fortune cookie machine?
My maids are strange.
That shall replace the hanging chair.
That's how cool it is.
Oooh, the pun, it hurts!
Elphie: Jetta..
Jetta heard of Elphie's promotion to Governor(LIKE EVANDER WAS!) and love is once again in the air.
For the boys as well!
Flamie: Want to go to the theatre?
Nick: I'm flattered!
Cherry: Yay my brother has a boyfriend!
Cherry: I hate you.
Vireo: You're dating Nick, no way!
Flamie: I know, isn't he great?
Flamie: And when the sea whooshes around itself it makes sea foam and I love the colour of it. You need to understand the importance of that colour!
Vireo: No thanks, I like green.
Flamie: Hahahaha, no.
Vireo: I only like you because we're related.
Vireo: I'm prettier than you, why would he date you.. I don't get it.
Flamie: Ho ho ho. I win.
Ladis and gentlemen. This is screenshot number 10000. IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND.
Ahem.. it's.. I mean.. what? How did I get 10000 pictures from a 10-generation legacy? How does that happen?!
Oh yeah, remember Denim-picture mania? And the nearly 200 picture chapter of Coke's journey to China and France that I still haven't posted? Plus pictures of my other save games I haven't shown everyone and tons of extra pictures I take very time. Still 10000 is a lot. Wow.
Jetta: Are you quite done? My back aches like mad!
Jetta: My back aches I said!
Elphie: And I was going to rub it but you got up and got dressed and now you're leaving. Not my fault!
Chlorine: So I'm eating a burned-to-crisp cookie, so what! It's my birthday and I'll have cake later on!
The loser, Cherry, gets on honour roll! Yeah!
Elphie: Your birthday party will double as a fund-raiser!
Elphie: It will be awesome! Totally kick-ass!
Elphie: :D (Y)(Y)
Cherry is pretty. I can't help but think so.
And so! BIRTHDAYS! Check it out, some of gen-10 is about to grow into YA!
That's something else... wow.
Some of the family is excited.
I don't get why my party guests won't enter the house D: they've done it the last three-four times. My game is glitchy!
Coke, Elphie, KLP: Nick...
Flamie: Nick <3
Squirtle: Man I love art!
Sim!Mariah: well done! Your third legacy finished.
Somewhat. There's still a tiny bit to go before we're done.
Sim!Mariah: Oh please, most people wouldn't even see the lime grow up, cause they're the last generation.
Eh. Might as well.
Flamingo and Elphaba: Don't leave us! :(
I wonder if she's aware that she's funding her own downfall, since in order of Elphie to be promoted to the last level, Sim!Me has to be demoted, cause she's the leader atm, if I'm correct.
Elphie: Maybe Mariah doesn't have a partner and I can run off with her!
...I can't even.
You may remember last time's modest success pictured here..
Well this time..
Yeah. Modest indeed.
This is Vireo as a YA!
Vireo Chimeree rolled Loner as her fifth trait and she wants to become a Visionary, like Alex!
Vireo's a Technophobic, never Nude, Athletic Loner, who Loves the Outdoors!
Photo of Jet: Hisss!
Likes Green, autumn Salad and Pop music.
Her little sister Chlorine!
Chlorie rolled Childish! So she's an Eccentric, Childish, Vegetarian Virtuoso!
Cherry looks the same as before xD
CherryBlossom grew up in that outfit and I was all "sure but I'll make it pink!"
She grew up with commitment issues and wants to become a Star News Anchor, like Seona and Evander!
She's a Friendly, Easily Impressed, Bookworm of a Loser with Commitment Issues.
She likes Hot pink, Cheesesteak and French music.
Squirtle: Eat that chicken leg like you mean it. A growing boy like you needs his food!
Key Lime Pie: It's cake, grandpa.
Next chapter... will probably be that last one! OMG OMG OMG.
I'm putting Cherry and Vireo up later today and Cocaine will be uploaded after the last chapter I think as a household, so that he keeps his skills, but not yet.
Till then...
Love and rainbows!