第295課: when it rains, it pours

Feb 24, 2010 19:03


Today has been one of those exciting days, when everything that can go wrong, went wrong.
Perhaps someone accursed me?

I failed my Renaissance & Baroque art exam. (;_;)
It's the first time, in my four years of University life, that I failed a test.
Even though I tried so hard!
It's even worse, because now I won't be able to do a seminar next semester.
A seminar, that I would have sold my right arm for to get in.
It's about photography!!!

I really really wanted to do that seminar.
muchos suckos!
In the past three weeks I did nothing but studying.
Each day about 14 hours.
(I passed three other exams, but still...)
I'm feeling brain dead.
Well, I guess it's like they say... Giving your best is sometimes just not good enough.

Then, I lost my pencil case. (;_;)
I love my pencil case. It's made of cool fabric and also my favourite pencils were in there (from Japan). I can remember the last time I held it in my hands (at University), and I am sure that I put it in my bag, which I didn't open until the moment I noticed it was gone.
So I really don't know where it could be. It can't have fallen out of my bag.
I want my pencil case back! (;_;)

Then, I've made a short weekend trip to my hometown to visit my family.
I came back already yesterday, because I had an important appointment at University today. Actually, I've had made plans for a trip to Berlin, but cancelled it because of that event. So I went to this appointment today, only to find out that my participation wouldn't have been necessary...

le sigh!

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