Oct 26, 2005 03:07
I remember my mum telling me something years ago about relationships. It's in chinese and it goes something like this..."na de qi jiu yao fang de xia". I have to agree that after going through a few relationship myself...it is something hard to do. But then I have also learned that sometimes that's the only thing that a person can do and should do when the relationship can't go on anymore.
But no...hell no...people just sometimes choose to cling on and try to hold on...only to feel more pain in the end. I guess as I always say..."ren shi fan jian de". I guess that's the problem with people...whoever came up with the phrase "Love is BLIND!!!" must have been a genius, either that he must have been one hell of a romantic. But I really hope that people out there can learn to sometimes think a bit more rationally in a relationship...I mean when you know that things are just not meant to be, you should just end it and then try to pick yourself up and then move on in life. I know that its never easy, I have gone through it, but then it will be the only correct thing to do. So PLEASE do the right thing...
Just blabbering here...Haiz...
Sometime LIFE really SUX and SHIT does HAPPEN!!!