Summer 06

Sep 05, 2006 02:42

About my summer that's now coming to an end. Many things happened this summer and many things didn't happen. Overall it was a great season! Let's see... what all happened this summer..

Well, Sean got a job selling Cutco, and that whole thing was fun. I think it helped him out in just like.. everything. He's awesome and an awesome worker. I can say this with no hesitation: there's nobody on the planet that knows more about Cutco than Sean does. and I admire him for that. I mean, everything he does he does wholeheartedly. Like.. he doesn't just go do something half-assed and forget it.. he finds out everything there is to know and does it well. That's what I think about my boyfriend. He's great and he can do anything he puts his mind to. Plus he's smart.. even if he doesn't think so sometimes. Oh he knows he is though.. somewhere in there he knows.

So we didn't get to hang out as much as we did last summer, but do you know what? That's ok. It gave me more time to myself, which I probably needed.. not because I need space, because I don't, but I think I just grew up more over the summer. I'm really happy with our relationship right now, and I think we've like.. crossed a good line.. onto a deeper and better relationship. I just.. really love Sean and I know I want to be with him forever. I know it's meant to be.. it just doesn't feel like a teenage romance anymore. We're closer than we've ever been now. Yeah, so we spent a lot of time this summer just sleeping next to each other on my couch and less time with other occupations. It was good for us. I'm happy being with Sean no matter what goes on.. I just am happy to sit by him, talk to him, lay next to him, or just see him. I think that's what's just so great about everything. Love, that's it. It's lovely.

I guess that's about all I have to say. This summer was good, and I love my life. I'm scaring myself, but maybe my emo days are over.. well.. no I know they're not. But for now they are.

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